A Quarlu as a chacter race? Please explain...

Starfinder Society

Hello all.I played the mod "the Withering World" the other week and got the boon the let's you play a Quarlu as a character. It says I can change a chaaracter before 2nd level and make it of this race or apply a boost to an already existing Quarlu character that you get from another sorce. I'm trying to figure out how to do this legally without causing any questionable things to happen. If anyone has any advice as to help me do this properly, please let me know. Thx.

5/5 5/55/55/5

When you play in society, you can change anything you want about your character in between your first three games except spent consumables: you can change your class, species, stats, equipment. Just about everything except the grenades you threw and the healing serums you drank.

Oddly enough. your character is the thing there's no society tracking for. If your character is done out on a sheet of two ply, then that sheet of two ply is your official character sheet.

You might note on your chronicle sheet that you're swapping species halfling Quaralu, but there's no set way of doing it. You more or less do it.

Welcome to the institution!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Louis Pirozzi wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to do this legally without causing any questionable things to happen. If anyone has any advice as to help me do this properly, please let me know. Thx.

Audits are infrequent these days, but the best practice is to just have a clear paper trail, because if you can't show where you got something, a GM can request that you play a Pregen.

(coincidentally I did just have to do an audit a few sessions ago, when a new player sat down to my table with a Level 4, and didn't even have a Society #, but that's pretty rare)

In this digital age, I've found it easiest both for myself and my GMs to utilize Google Drive. HERE, for example, is my Drive folder for all of the Chronicles and Boons I've applied to a newly created Shobhad character.

It works for proving when I have a certain Boon, but it also shows what Scenarios I've played, in case you're playing a sequel and you want to reference what you did in part 1 (especially if that was years ago).

As far as your Level 2 rebuild, just total up your credits earned on your most recent Chronicle before the rebuild, and mark it somewhere with "Level 2 Rebuild". GMs will recognize what that means.

Welcome to Society!!

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