Updating the Monster roster

Age of Ashes

Vigilant Seal

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Hi all,
I'm about to GM Age of Ashes and I can see that, being the first AP, it could not benefit from the diversity of present PF2 monster roster. So I started picking new monsters that could enhance each book, starting with Hellknight Hill:

* Animated Silverware swarm - Hellknight kitchens deserve silverware swarms. Replace the vermin swarm there.

* Karumzek - fells like a good fit for a Voz ally, possibly as a replacement for the boring tixitog fellow.

* Combusted and Shadern Immolator - both Book of Dead additions, they fit the Isgeri goblins theme. Maybe some are trapped in the catacombs or goblin caves. I can see some serving under Randal's court.

* Corrupted relic - turn some treasure from the hellknights into a rageful spirit!

Book 2 has plenty of options from new bestiaries and mwangi sourcebook. Anyone has come with similar ideas for improving AoA encounters?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm looking to do the same sort of thing when I run AoA, thanks for the ideas! I'll post some thoughts here once I get to my AoA prep.

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