Beguiler needs help on additional arcane spells


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Hi there,

I'm playing a Human Beguiler from Halruaa in the Faerun Setting. At the moment we are level 1, and residing in Cormyr.

Devoted to Lleira, the Beguiler invaded a Shar Cult and unlocked the secret to tapping into the shadow weave. Having a Wisdom score of 15, at level 9 I will take Arcane Disciple (Spell). Before that, I will take versatile spellcasting (3) and Leadership (6). For Leadership I'll get an artificer at a fixed rate of 2 levels below our party. The artificer will be there for item creation, only.

I currently have the feats Shadow Weave Magic and Magical Training.

The combination of Magical Training with the Beguiler Class unlocks cheese of the finest stink, but I try to keep it low. Which additional arcane spells are must-haves that are not screwed by shadow weave magic (reducing CL for transmutation and evocation by 1) and at the same time are essential to the role of being the party rogue, and at the same time the only arcane caster?

For later application of literally any spell I'll get anyspell from arcane disciple, so no worries.

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There is some free fan-made PF1e Beguiler stuff that can be found here, rarino5. ;)

Additionally, mebbe the Mesmerist Occult class spell list has some intriguing spells to choose from. ;)

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