The Stag Lord, Reimagined


Hey everyone, I've been working on Kingmaker recently, getting it ready to run for my group once the updated content (eventually) comes out and I was thinking about The Stag Lord in The Stolen Lands. In the book he's a Ranger 3/Rogue 5 and I was thinking and (since the Kingmaker AP was published before the release of Advanced Class Guide) I decided to do a "What if...?" scenario and recreate him as a Level 8 Slayer.

Needless to say everything came out all right (a few less skill points overall but FAR more combat potential) and I'm going to be using this version when my group gets to him.

The Stag Lord (Slayer):

The Stag Lord (Slayer) CR 6
XP 2,400
Human slayer 8 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53)
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +10
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 80 (8d10+32)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk longsword +9/+4 (1d8/19-20)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +9/+4 (1d8+7/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +3d6, studied target +2 (2nd, swift action)
Before Combat The Stag Lord is in a perpetual state of hangover or drunkenness, and as a result he is sickened—his stats have been adjusted to reflect this (and as a result, his CR is 1 lower than normal). If he sobers up, these stats effectively gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
During Combat When attacking with his bow, the Stag Lord usually employs his Deadly Aim feat (included in his stats). He prefers to fight with his bow if possible, favoring attacks on foes who are flat-footed, using the insightful shot ability of his stag’s helm or taking time to move into hiding and use Stealth to set up new shots so that he can make sneak attacks. In melee, he shifts and moves to flank foes if possible. Humans are his favorite targets, for in many of them he sees the face of his father. He drinks potions to heal damage if reduced below 20 hit points.
Morale The Stag Lord fights to the death.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 24
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Deadly Aim, Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +6, Bluff -1, Climb +9, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal -3, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (geography) +2, Perception +10, Ride +2, Sense Motive -3, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Swim +9
Languages Common
SQ combat style (archery), slayer talents (combat trick, ranger combat style[ACG], ranger combat style[ACG], weapon training), stalker, track +4
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds, stag's helm; Other Gear +1 leather armor, +1 composite longbow (+2 Str), arrows (20), mwk longsword, amulet of natural armor +1
Special Abilities
Deadly Aim -3/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Sneak Attack +3d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Stalker (Ex) Studied target bonus applies to Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth as well.
Studied Target +2 (swift action, 2 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Swift action, gain +2 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +4 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

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In this version he ended up with one additional unused feat for which I gave him Accomplished Sneak Attacker which bumps his SA dice up to three which is what he would have had as a 5th level Rogue anyway and I upgraded his potion to Cure Serious Wounds as, given his additional hit points as a d10 class, I didn't think a Cure Moderate potion was going to cut it.

Take a look and tell me what you think and if you use this version I hope he turns out to be the BAMF I think he should be.

P.S. I, personally, think that even with the Sickened condition (which is figured into his stats above), he is still a worthy CR 7 challenge...but that's just me.


Now I'm thinking of making Dovan into a Swashbuckler...I'll let you know how it goes.

He certainly could do well if he ambushes the pcs. Did he kill anyone?

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