Help finding a choose your own adventure style book

Off-Topic Discussions

Not sure HOw this got stuck in my head, but for some reason I'm remembering a choose your own adventure type book that I can't seem to find.

I looked at a few list of the actual choose your own adventure books and none of them are ringing a bell, unless it's on some kind of funny offshoot.

You're an apprentice mage of some sort and you have to defeat an evil wizard. You start off walking through the woods and that can go badly for you.

At some point with most of the good paths you manage to screw up so well you turn yourself into a dragon. Confronting the wizard though just gets you baleful polymorphed into a pet salamander lizard. You have to roll around in tree sap and have your sister cover you in silver dust so you're mistaken for a much more powerful dragon.

It was from the mid 80s or 90 at most

anyone got a clue what the name of the book was?

found it...

Why does your brain wait till you ask a question before supplying an answer?

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