Spring-Heeled GM |

Looking to run a Carrion Crown game, with about 5-ish PCs, to be played here on the Paizo forums.
Character Creation:
-Create a 1st level character, with full HP as standard.
-20 point buy. After racial modifiers, no stat can go below 7 or above 18.
-Two traits, with one coming from the Carrion Crown Player's Guide. I am open to retooling or reflavouring the traits if someone has a good background that suits the campaign, but doesn't fall into one of the given backgrounds.
-All classed and archetypes allowed.
-All races allowed, save for Drow Noble because no way I'm allowing that. Exotic races will need an excuse for being abroad, but races that have some link to the campaign's inspirations or setting are more than welcome.
-Material from all official Paizo books are on the table.
-Average starting gold for your class.
-Any non-evil alignments. Convincing me to allow an evil character is going to be a really hard sell and it's probably not worth the effort. That said, questionably-motivated characters of good or neutral alignments are okay.
-Please provide a solid background for your character. I intend to run a fairly roleplay-heavy game and really get into the campaign's fluff, so I'm looking for fleshed out characters, with backstories and personalities. I'm also showing heavy bias for characters who fit the tone of the campaign; characters who may be motivated by an encounter with dark creatures in their past, seek forbidden knowledge, or have dark secrets that may come to light in their time in Ustalav. Fluff-related archetypes are also appreciated, and overarching character motivations or aims are always amazing. I may reward depth before we begin play with little things; additional traits, bonus gold, a couple skill points... Give me something I like and I will not let it go unrewarded.
-Please read the Carrion Crown Player's Guide, not only for the traits but also the sections for your class and race, as well as any setting bits, so you know about the setting going in.
-I'd like to get a rate of at least one post a day going. Weekends might be more lax if the chosen players can't do weekends nearly as reliably, but regular weekday posting is a must to move at a decent rate through the campaign. Being able to post multiple times a day is also good. Please leave your time zone in the thread as well, for logistical reasons. Mine is EST (GMT -5).
-As stated above, this game will lean more on the roleplay side of things. There's no sense in playing a horror campaign as a dungeon crawl with mood music. I'd prefer players willing to get into things, interacting with the townsfolk and letting their characters get caught up in the story rather than seeking the next thing to stab. Write out posts with some detail and personality to them, more than just a line of dialogue or "He stabs the dude." Enjoy the atmosphere a little.
-Please spoiler your background, crunch, and such things when posting in the thread, just so it doesn't stretch the page out and leave people with a lot to scroll through.
-I'm open to considering house ruling certain things, and will likely do so myself in certain areas. If there's a particular change you'd like made to the rules as written, feel free to ask.
-The final party will probably be 5, no more than six if I have trouble choosing or feel party balance is lacking. My selection process isn't too easy to quantify, but if you notice one category lacking in applicants, statistically speaking you've got a better shot at getting accepted.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll get to them as soon as I can. Recruitment will run through until either this coming Friday or Sunday, depending on how many apply and how quickly I get around to making my decisions.

Aldra |
I figured as much, like I implied. You did mention 'official Paizo books', and Psionics are 3rd party. Just wanted to confirm because, well, I really like the flavor of the mechanics :p
For the record, this is my first time on these boards, but not my first time doing PbP. Also, expect to see my character... either late tomorrow or sometime Tuesday, depending on how busy I end up being/how long it takes me to decide. I've got rough concepts already for each, just gotta choose and then figure out how to do the write-ups.

Max Chambers |

This is Forthepie, I submit Max Chambers, Paladin (Divine Hunter) of Iomedae. I have included a code of conduct for the paladin of Iomedae, adjusted for a bow user. I would like, if selected to have a conversation with the GM to make sure we are both on the same page about paladins and making sure I avoid falling.
I would see myself as not playing lawful stupid, but holding to my code and not expecting others to live as Max does, but who leads by example.

Ixos |

I would like to throw my hat into the ring. My character is an Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae who will focus on his channeling capabilities. I've read that channeling is lackluster, but those Force Channel feats look cool, and I want to try for myself.
I don't have a lot of experience with Pathfinder, so if I've made any crunch errors please let me know.
People need heroes. Without heroes there is less hope. Without heroes there is no one to shine light in dark places. Without heroes there is no one to be an exemplar to the wayward. Heroes are less about villains vanquished than they are about lives renewed.
Nathan Azar is all about heroes.
Nathan's first hero was his mother, Marta. Marta was a Varisian paladin who wandered western Ustulav. She taught Nathan her faith -- the worship of Sarenrae. Marta taught Nathan the importance of standing for the weak and doing what should be done regardless of personal consequences.
Nathan's second hero was Professor Lorrimor. By chance Nathan found the professor clinging to life near a ruin that he and his mother were traveling passed. Shocked at seeing the man's terrible wounds. Nathan called upon Sarenrae -- the goddess his mother worshipped the goddess, the goddess from whose servant Nathan supposedly descended. For the first time in his life, Nathan felt the touch of a goddess. He felt her light pour through him into the injured man. When the skeletons that had inflicted those wounds emerged from the ruins, Sarenrae's cleansing light continued to flow. When his mother found the two, they were surrounded by the dust of the undead.
For the next few weeks Professor Lorrimor walked with Nathan and Marta back to more civilized areas. Although the professor's expedition was a failure, he counted meeting Nathan a success. The professor was impressed with the young aasimar's kindness and generosity of spirit, he was struck by Nathan's naivete and ignorance.
One night the two were discussing the merits of pacifism. The new cleric posited the thesis that violence was wrong because all deserved Sarenrae's light.
"You destroyed the skeletons who almost killed me," the professor observed. "Did they deserve mercy? Did killing them belie your idealism?"
"No. The undead are a blight. Their very existence is a disease on the world," Nathan respond.
"No doubt, young man, but how you know this?"
Nathan paused for a moment considering. "My mother says that the priests who taught her told her that the undead are the products of wicked magic or great, and foul deeds."
"Precisely, Nathan, long dead priests researched the cause and effects of undeath. It is from the fruits of their labor's that we can distinguish the moral valence of laying those souls to rest. Knowledge is the best sword and the greatest shield for all people. By knowledge we can discern what can be saved and what should be destroyed for the greater good. I admire your idealism, but it should be tempered by discernment."
The professor's words kindled a love of learning in Nathan. On the professor's suggestion, he began to learn the terrible history of Ustulav so he could better shine a light into dark places. The professor's words gave Nathan the impetus to become a hero himself.
Appearance and Personality:
Nathan is a young, handsome Aasimar man with bronze hair and almost luminescent skin. He stands about 5' 11" and has eyes that sparkle like diamonds. He is not frail, but he is physically weak.
For this reason and his pacifist tendencies, Nathan does not carry a weapon. He feels that those with weapons are more inclined to use them first and ask questions latter. Nathan wants to be fully informed before he takes the life of a living being. Sometimes violence is required. Sometimes it is very necessary. But Nathan wants to be certain. He wants to be discerning.
Nathan Azar
Male Aasimar Cleric 1
NG Medium Native Outsider
Init +3; Senses Perception +6, Darkvision
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat 10
HP 9 (1d8 +1)
Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +6
Speed 30
Spell Like Abilities
1/day -- Daylight
Cleric Spells Memorized (CL 1st; Concentration: +5)
1st -- Bless, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith (D)
0 -- Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
Domains: Heroism, Sun
Domain Abilities:
Heroism: You are infused with the glory of the divine, and are a true foe of the undead. In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.
Touch of Glory (Sp): You can cause your hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a bonus equal to your cleric level on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. This ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll. You can use this ability to grant the bonus a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (7/7)
Sun's Blessing (Su): Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.
Str 8; Dex 12; Con 13; Int 12; Wis 18; Cha 16
Base Attack: -2; CMB: +0; CMD: 9
Feats: Selective Channel
Chance Savior -- +2 to Initiative checks.
Cleansing Light (Sarenrae) - When dealing damage to undead with your channel energy, you can reroll any damage die that shows a natural 1.
Racial Traits:
Darkvision: Aasimars can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Deathless Spirit: Particularly strong-willed aasimars possess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powers of death. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance.
Skilled: Aasimars have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Spell-Like Ability: Aasimars can use daylight once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Skills: Diplomacy: +9, Knowledge (History): +5, Knowledge (Religion): +5, Sense Motive +8
Languages: Celestial, Common, Varisian
Favorite Class: +1 Skill Point
Equipment: Backpack, Studded Leather Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, 38 GP
Class Features:
Channel Energy (6/6) 1d6 +1 (Against Undead) Undead don't add their channel resistance. DC (16)

El Ronza |

I made this character for a Jade Regent game she didn't get into, but I think she'd work well in Carrion Crown. Liera, shy and awkward female tiefling witch, with a rabbit familiar. Focused mainly on debuffing and taking opponents out of a fight.
Female Tiefling Witch 1
N Medium Outsider (native)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4/x2)
Special Attacks hexes (cackle, misfortune [dc 14])
Spell-Like Abilities
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds, Ear-Piercing Scream (DC 15)
0 (at will) Stabilize, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Extra Hex
Traits Childhood Crush (Sandru) (1/day) (Ex), Rescued (Koya) (Ex)
Skills Bluff +1, Heal +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8,
Perception +4, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +3; Racial Modifiers +2
Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Infernal
SQ +4 to initiative checks, empathic link with familiar, patron spells (shadow), share spells with familiar
Other Gear Silken ceremonial armor, Dagger, Sling, Sling bullets (20), Backpack (33 @ 19.5 lbs), Bedroll,
Belt pouch (1 @ 0.7 lbs), Candle (10), Chalk (10), Familiar satchel, Flint and steel, Ink, black, Inkpen,
Mess kit, Pot, Soap, Spell component pouch, Trail rations (5), Waterskin, 26 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
+4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity
Damage Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Misfortune (1 rd) (DC 14) (Su) Foe in 30 ft must take the lower of 2d20 for rolls (Will neg).
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
I'll have to rework her background, but I should be able to have that up by tomorrow. For now, her crunch should be in order, though I need to select her traits. I'll do that after reading the player's guide a bit more closely.
Any questions, GM? Anything that needs tweaking?

Spring-Heeled GM |

@Rhia: Looks like you missed a spot on downgrading your Revelations back to first. The Ancestral Weapon weapon only becomes Masterwork at 3rd. And your equipment is still pretty up there for 1st level.
@Max: That's good to hear, characters who run around being righteous, insufferable gits will make no friends in the party or in Ustalav.
@Arven: Seeing a bit of a problem in your Point Buy. For one, it's well over 20, and I can't there isn't even a value given for bumping a stat up to 19 (which you'd have to, to get strength at 17 after racial)
@Ixos: At a quick glance, not seeing any issues. I'm intrigued; never seen a cleric go weaponless in a game before.
@Izzyraen: I'd suggest grabbing a Disguise Kit or an item that will help you appear as a human; it might be one of the worst places in Golarion to be walking around looking like a Drow.
@El Ronza: No questions just from her crunch, no. Everything except traits looks in order to me.

Arven Freeson |

Oh, Hobgoblin, right. I didn't look at your background before making that, and race only says "Humanoid (Goblinoid)" so I ended up checking out the Goblin stats. My bad, hadn't even finished making my morning coffee when I wrote up my post.
Guess I should have been more specific heh didn't notice I hadn't included it except in fluff

Laris D'Vagne |

Laris D'Vagne (reused name, new character), not quite finished, but everything bar gear and finalised backstory.
Laris was born on an outlying farm, when something passed through. Her family were all slain, but for some reason she was left behind.
Death always finds her and follows her, when she turns up someplace she tries to help, but people start dying anyway.
Good character with a weird affinity for undead. Will finish it up and post more elaborated/coherent background over the next couple of days.

Adventurer#33 |

I would like to submit Constable Lieutenant James Denphire for consideration
James Denphire's parents were successful Caliphas merchants, successful enough that they were able to send their only son to attend the famous Lepidstadt University. James first met Professor Lorrimor at the University. He attended one of the professor's lectures and was lucky enough to be introduced to the professor at a reception afterwards.
James did well at the university. His professors found him to be attentive and diligent. Unfortunately James' academic success did not keep his time at the university from ending early and badly. In the middle of his third year at the university James got into a disagreement with a classmate over a gambling debt. The disagreement led to a duel in which both James and his opponent were badly injured. James' opponent was a nobles son who's father had enough influence to save him from the consequences of the duel. All the blame for the duel was laid a James' door, and as a result he was expelled from the university in disgrace. This lead to a breach between James and his father, who was furious that the cost of sending James to the university had been wasted. James and his father have not spoken since. James mother is unwilling to defy her husband so limits contact with her son to infrequent letters.
Bereft of familial support James joined the Caliphas City Constabulary to support himself. James has spent the last twelve years stalking Caliphas' mist shrouded streets. In that time he has seen many strange and terrible things not the least of which has been peoples callous treatment of each other. It has left James jaded and suspicious of others.
James contacted Professor Lorrimor seven years ago to request his help with a case he was working on. The Professor's expertise enabled James to track down and destroy a nest of ghouls that had set up in Caliphas sewers. James continued to correspond with the professor, and often received his help with difficult cases. Over the years they became good friends. The professor frequently encouraged James to get married and to reconcile with his father. He even offered to introduce James to his daughter Kendra, but James put him off. The professor often gently chided James for his cynicism and encouraged him to have more faith in others.
James Denphire
Male Human (Varisian) Rogue (Investigator) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +2;
Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1,
Ref +4,
Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
Sword cane +2 (1d6+2/x2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 15,
Dex 14,
Con 12,
Int 13,
Wis 12,
Cha 14
Base Atk +0;
CMB +2;
CMD 14
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round),
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Sword cane)
On the Payroll
Climb +6,
Diplomacy +6,
Disable Device +6,
Intimidate +6,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5,
Knowledge (history) +2,
Knowledge (local) +5,
Perception +5,
Sense Motive +5,
Sleight of Hand +6,
Stealth +6;
Racial Modifiers
follow up
Other Gear
Leather armor,
Sword cane,
Belt pouch (5 @ 1 lbs), Candle (2), Chalk, Flint and steel, Whetstone
Thieves' tools,
Wrist sheath, spring loaded (Dagger),
Wrist sheath, spring loaded (Dagger),
21 GP, 9 SP, 6 CP
Special Abilities
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Fencer +1 to hit with dagger or sword AoOs.
Follow Up (Ex) Make two Gather Information checks in the time normally required for one.
On the Payroll grants extra 150 gold
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
The campaign trait On the Payroll doesn't really fit. I would like to rework it turn it around so instead of working for the professor the professor was helping him. I don't know what kind of bonuses would work but the extra money doesn't fit.

Lilien Elendyll |

Submitting Lilien Elendyll for consideration.
Character's gist: Female Elf Diviner.
Combat role: enabler, buffer/debuffer, summoner. She'll try to win initiative and set the battlefield to the party advantage.
Out of combat: lore expert, arcane utility spells specialist. No matter how difficult, she'll tackle every knowledge check like there is no tomorrow! Also, she'll offer arcane utility whenever possible.
Strict but loving, her parents were determined to raise her to become a proper lady, and even more importantly, a proper elf.
They taught her their people history, their traditions and their ideals, even though their lessons were sketchy, and oftentimes downright dismissive, about other races and cultures.
When during her early childhood Lilien manifested great promise as a pratictioner of the Art, her family was overjoyed, and encouraged her to fully embrace her gift and develop her skills.
After years of tutoring and well on her way to become an accomplished mage, Lilien started to become more and more restless. The more she studied immersed in the ever undisturbed peace of Iadara, the more she craved to finally get to see what was really out there.
So many wonders, and misteries and magical knowledge were out there, just waiting to be discovered. She wanted to experience the world. She wanted adventure. But she was still far too young.
In an effort to both quench her thirst for adventure (and danger, in her parents' eyes) and further her magical studies, her father arranged for Lilien to spend a few years attending a magical college of renown, far away from Iadara and Kyonin, but still relatively safe.
He entrusted her to an old friend and fellow Arcanist of renown, a professor of magical theory at the Grand Acadamae of Korvosa, in Varisia. Thrilled at the opportunity, Lilien accepted her father's proposal without a second tought.
It was there at the Acadamae that she met Professor Lorrimor, during one of his famous lectures, adn remained fascinated by his knowledge about the most diverse of topics imaginable. In turn, the good professor took notice of this bright young girl so eager to learn, to discover, to debate and to ponder.
He took her under his wing, so to speak, and during his visits in Korvosa never missed the opportunity to look her up for another one of their stimulating study sessions.
When the professor was not in Korvosa, they used to mantain a semi-regular epistolary correspondence; Lilien writing about her new discoveries, theories and questions, and the old Professor giving insightful answers, wise advice and proposing new topics for her studies.
When she recived word of the Professor's passing, it was a hard blow. Shocked and saddened, she quickly began preparations to attend the Professor's funeral, as the missive she received requested.
Nevertheless, her natural grace and beautiful countenance, her bright expression and pleasant, melodious voice have always made overlooking the coy girl a hard task indeed.
Long, wavy strands of golden hair and large emerald eyes finely complement her fair skin and delicate features, further enhancing her allure.
Young and passionate, curious and eager to discover and learn, Lilien was however raised to be composed, polite and strive and maintain a proper demeanor at all times.
Coupled with her relative inexperience in dealing with other races due to her secluded upbringing, she may come out as snobbish and even dismissive at times, despite her best efforts to the contrary.
As with many of her kind, she values freedom and independence, and holds family and friends in the highest regard.
Confident in her arcane prowess and academic knowledge, she feels ready to finally venture into the world and experience its portents.
If something seems wrong or not suitable, I'm willing to discuss/change it to fit in with the other characters. Oh, and my time is (GMT -1).
Hope you like her!

Cydrius |

Question: I see in the guidebook that Orcs are very stigmatized in Ustalav; would a full-blooded Orc be so ostracized as to be unplayable, or could that make for interesting roleplay?
Right now I'm picturing an orc warrior from Belkzen out to prove that he fears nothing after being ostracized as a coward from his peers for fleeing a battle with some enormous beast in the same incident that his Chance Savior trait will allude to.

Laris D'Vagne |

Character updated, with background on the profile.
One rules-note, Mystery gets Cause Fear at 2nd level, can I pick it now and get a different spell at 2nd level?
Also I'm on GMT, so posting times may be different but should be able to post daily. Wednesday's might have to have sparse posts as that's my tabletop game day and takes the bulk of my evening.

Cydrius |

I've got a basic crunch here, going to add background as soon as I get a chance. (I've got a bunch of ideas, just haven't had time to put them down on paper yet. Just keep in mind that his name is ironic.)
With DM approval, I would like to take the Indomitable Faith trait (+1 to will saves for being part of an unpopular faith and refusing to back down from it) and reflavor it as being representative of a refusal to back down in the face of being ostracized by society.
Count me as another ESTer.

Windom |

Presenting Windom, written in first person. I will put the stats and relative "crunch" together later tonight at work. Please give feedback.
*clears throat*
There use to be a small town not too far from Kavapesta, on the lake, it would be lucky to be considered a ruin now, but luck has not shined there for some time. I am twenty three winters now born of that town. I can remember living on the lake, swimming, fishing in the cove ‘lucky fishing hole’, waving to my pa on his fishing boat as he cast nets, mother setting a wild berry pie to cool on the windowsill. There is a small hallow not too far from the town, older folks use to warn about fey, and first world nonsense, normal deep country legends, of kids going missing, or waking up not aged fifty years later, nonsense stuff. It never did any good to keep the town kids out of that hallow though; the grass was unusually green, the flowers blossomed more vibrant and gigantic, bees were the only inhabitant anyone ever seen, busy bees stocking giant hives with honey. It was nice.
*sips ale, prepares to tell a difficult tale*
Lets see, had to of been eight winters old when it happened. Autumn was on its last leg about to leave before the winter. That is when he arrived. Never met the man myself I was too young, all I remember is his black robe and the large chest of gold he came to town with. He paid to have a cottage made hastily before winter showed his true face, the men could not refuse the piles of coin placed in front of them and they started work on this cabin. The trees had already lost their leaves, and stiffened up for the winter, felling trees became a difficult task. It became colder and colder as the days past by and the sun set earlier and earlier. The men should have been preparing for an Ustalav winter, not building a cottage too late in the season. I remember the cottage, taller than those around it, two chimneys with no wood to burn, empty pantries, a wonderful un-stocked home, with strange green light at night from the windows; everyone thought the man had fancy lanterns or green glassed oil lamps. Everyone went without that winter, the fruit cellars were emptied early, the grains used fast; all the food that could have been stored but was not because of that cabin. The first snow fall happened early that year, unnaturally early.
*sips ale*
It was cold, but not the coldest we ever had which made it worst. Funny right, needing it to be too cold to survive. That lake never froze right all winter; my pa went out to ice fish and never returned. We started to get hungry, having stripped and boiled all the bark from the trees around us, and boiled what leather we could find, we waited through the winter. The townsfolk also having no food or place to turn went to this robed man, they had found out he was a wizard. Normally superstitious people they would of made the elder sign of protection and walk away, however they were guided by their empty stomachs. He was very helpful; handing out smoked pork, and sausage links. The wizard’s handouts were not enough to satisfy anyone’s hunger, weirdly it made it worst, so the men tried to hunt being the lake could not be fished. People became friendly with the wizard and less scared of him through his charity. Nobody noticed at that time but people started to disappear, by late-winter a dozen strong men and a handful of others had become missing. With the disappearances noises started in the woods, all night, the chopping of wood, and the sound of a falling tree. In the short daylight hours men went to try and find the felled trees; always they would find the same scene. Lots of foot prints, bare feet all through the snow, the stumps of the cut trees, and the chipped wood left from the cutting. No one knew what to make of it, and people were becoming afraid. They sought help of the wizard and he agreed to help, he would patrol the woods at night to keep the town safe. That is when it became very bad.
People kept taking the wizard’s handouts, getting hungrier, many began to visibly shake; and the wizard roamed the forest at night never finding the source of the sound, saying ‘it was fey mischief’. Daily people went missing, families started to move in with each other for protection, my small town toward the end was no more than a hundred heads.
The men still went out each morning to hunt and find the source of the noise. By chance they stumbled onto a freshly made cabin in the woods. It had no windows and a strong locked door. Fate and misfortune complement each other very well and usually dance hand in hand. That day a blizzard hit, snow I have never had the chance to experience again, the purest white. The team of men that set off was still out in it, in that cabin of horrors they discovered. I do not know exactly what they found inside because the lone survivor had returned to the town insane days after the storm. What was gathered the cabin was the source of the disappearing townsfolk. It was a gruesome butchery, there with a smokehouse in a back room full of meat; the same meat the town had been eating all winter. Also the source of the mystery chopping at night, a pile of axes lay in the corner. There was another room to the cabin, barred from the men’s side; noise could be heard behind it. They cautiously opened the door to see some of the men that had gone missing. I would imagine this would have been a happy sight, but as the men shambled into the butchery room the search party was standing in they quickly knew horror. Many were missing large pieces of flesh; the missing flesh did not hinder the advance into the room. One of the men quickly shut and re-barred the door after two had entered. One had grabbed onto one of the unfortunate discovers bringing him to the ground, with his teeth he torn the throat from the prone man. The other assisted with the gruesome sight, together the two lost men began to eat the still warm corpse on the floor, not paying attention to the rest of the men in the room. Pounding from the barred door, the rest of the lost men had become frenzied slamming it trying to get in. Someone found a cleaver and killed the two lost men that were eating their comrade, they made no attempt of defense, and they just ate absent-mindedly. They placed large tables in front of the barred door for support, it was successful and would hold, but the slamming would not stop.
*big gulp of ale*
Now those men were stranded in that mystery cabin, cannibals pounding on a barred door, and a horrible blizzard outside; they were stranded until the weather let up. They tried to rest and made sure that barricade door would hold against the slamming, but no rest could come. During the night the man that was feasted on woke, and began to attack, biting and slamming the unprepared men. Many had taken grievous wounds before he too could be slain. The sickness started. The men that were bitten began with fevers, burning up, sweating, stomach pains, it eventually ended in death a day later. There were two alive, they had to wait for the storm to finish, still no escape. The men that died of fever then woke, the two surviving men thought they would have better chances in a blizzard than in the cabin; they ran into the whiteness. They could not see the pursuers as they struggled in the waist high snow, one fell behind and was heard screaming as he was consumed. The lone man pushed forward and made it back to town. He came into the cabin we had just relocated to with some other families; I remembered his story as he told it. Not long after they came, the windows crashed in, there was lots of screaming, men entered the cabin and began to eat everybody. I hid, nothing else I could do. When they finished they left our cabin and walked to the next cabin full of people, their screams could be heard dampened by the blizzard. I gathered a blanket and was going to run, then like I said my mother tried to kill me, she raised, massive amounts of flesh missing from her face and chest. With out stretched arms she came for me, teeth exposed by a tightened snarl. I dodged but she fell and grabbed my ankle, she was pulling me in to eat me. There was a struggle and I wiggled free. I ran into the storm, hearing the screams from other houses in the town now, I made for the hallow. The lights in that new cabin that dammed the town never stopped glowing, horrible unnatural greenish light that was the only thing that could be seen through the falling curtain of snow; eerie green light. In the hallow there was less snow, making it easier to wait the storm out. When the blizzard finally past the world was at peace, white, quiet and perfect. I found a bee hive and ate the frozen honey, carrying the shell with me for future meals for my journey to Kavapesta. I had been there before and it was the only real option I had to finish off the winter.
*finishes ale* if you keep buying I keep talking *sips from a new pint*
In Kavapesta I made my way to the temple of Pharasma, not really knowing what else to do. I walked through the night, and come morning I collapsed on the road to Kavapesta. I awoke in the church I was en route to, someone had picked up my dying body and delivered me to the temple. I told my story to the abbot that was healing my wounds. Later that day all the priests and clergy left for the town I had come from, they returned several days later. The town was abandoned, no survivors, plenty of evidence to support the tale I told when I woke. The church has heard rumors of the cannibal necromancer and was upset he eluded their attempt to hunt him down. They offered me a place, I studied for the priesthood as this was to be my new life. I ran chores, was very obedient, prayed non-stop; I was going to be cleric hell bent on hunting every undead that I could find. I read every book, rumor, story, poem, and letter; anything that could be learnt about my new enemy.
*sips, smiles*
Then I fell in love, got married, changed my path in life, gave up on my pursuit of undead. What you want the romance too, ok, thought you just wanted the guts and glory stuff.
*clears throat*
I was Seventeen winters old; her name was Candis Cane, her family owned a bakery not far from the temple, had a little rolling pin on the sign out front. I remember the first time meeting her, going there with an order for the temple, not being able to find the words to speak right, messing up the order and buying way too much for the temple. She was beautiful, sweet, a year younger than myself, and love at first sight. It took months of courting her to get her to like me, and much convincing to her father to let her be mine. ‘Love is a ladder from heaven’; my heart soared through the heavens on our wedding day, I will never be that happy again. I had left the church, and began working for her family bakery. Taking another mouth to feed into the family business was tough. I did odd jobs, and found ways to make money; I am clever at that. One of my bright ideas was to cut out the middle man and buy our flour straight from the miller verses the supplier that charged too much. It saved us so much money we bought our own horse and cart, opened a second shop, and bought a house of our own. The journey to get the flour was a long and boring one; Candi would come with me on the trip. She was pregnant, maybe 6 months, she insisted on going to keep me company. On the way back our cart broke an axle on the road, it would not drive further with the large sacks of flour on it. It took me all day to repair it well enough to drive, and then darkness came.
*Very big gulp of ale*
Shadows moved in the forest as we made for the city, our lantern was lit to make the path. The horse became spooked and unmanageable, something was hunting us. There was a giggling, childlike, in the darkness; the young women that came out from the woods moved with such grace and poise it was otherworldly. It was hypnotizing, her eyes controlled me, I stood there helpless, unmoving, not thinking, as she moved into the light her pale skin looked like a porcelain doll. Her eyes were blood red and she moved to Candi with un-human speed, the lantern sputted and the flame extinguished, the moon was of no help and we were left in darkness with death. The sound still haunts me in the dark to this day; Candi gasped, there was a wet sucking sound, a thud as she was dropped to the ground, and a giggle as the vampire went back into the woods. Feeling around for my pregnant wife on the dirt road I found her, she was cold and wet from her own blood, tiny sobs of those that were to die came from her. In the dark I found her lips and pulling her close I tasted her bloody kiss. I placed her body on the cart of flour I do not remember the walk home.
I came to a few days later back in the asylum amongst madmen and criminals. This is where Professor Lorrimor entered my life. He knew I was not a mad man but a victim that continued to find trouble. He took me as his own patient, helping my mind heal, giving me tricks to improve my will. When I was stable enough he told me the news; Candis has risen from the grave, slave to the women that killed her. Again my lust to extinguish undead burned, revenge for the life that had been taken from me twice, there would be no more excuses or sidetracking. The professor brought me to a colleague, a woman skilled in the art of hunting undead. Nina R. Saitted, the only middle aged women I know with a Morningstar. She taught me much about the foes I seek, the best ways to fight and identify them, and tricks to avoid them. She also trained me to fight, this woman had a heavy swing, and left bruises. ‘The enemy hits harder’ or ‘do you think a wraith cares about honor’, she made her point one way or another. I started to rejoin the church of Pharasma, something I had grown away from after Candi. They took me right back, hearing word of my misfortune with a vampire and current training with Nina.
*finishes ale*
Not much more after that, Nina trained me until she thought I was ready. The church gave me aid and a blessing on my way out the door to track down unlife to extinguish. Searching for my wife to slay her to grant resting peace. And now I am here light headed from the ale.

Cydrius |

Background is up, just gotta do my appearance and it'll be done.
I like your initiative of commenting on the profiles submitted. It's nice to know what you're looking for.

Izzyraen |

@DM: After armor, weapons and equipment, plus my free set of clothing and mask, I don't have enough gp for a disguise kit. My reasoning for this is as follows: according to Golarions lore, very few people outside the Elves "Winter Council" or the Mieriani Forest in Varisia know about the Drow. My character however still fears he might be exposed, thus he wears a mask and hood, and if asked to remove it, he bluffs saying he has a skin condition. Barring that, he runs. On the off-chance someone does see his face and skin color, he juat says he's from a faraway land, like the Mwangi or Tien folk. So far, the only people who above ground who know are a small number of criminals in Riddleport, Lorrimor and a few people who only got glances of him.
But, if needed, I'll pick up a disguise kit asap after our first award of gold.