Do Otarian’s know about the levels below the runs>

Abomination Vaults

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hey all. I had a thought and I just can’t recall if I’ve read this or not but does anyone in Otari know about the levels beneath they runs? Like, is this common knowledge or privileged to a few?

No one knows. When Belcorra fought the Roseguard, the rogue Otari got trapped below the surface and was forced to flee ever deeper down. I believe he was the first one to discover the fact that there are 'Abomination Vaults' below Gauntlight Keep.

This is referenced somewhere on the Library level, when adventurers encounter the ghostly message left behind by Otari's ghost (C3).

Pathfinder Development Manager

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Daniel Arango wrote:
Hey all. I had a thought and I just can’t recall if I’ve read this or not but does anyone in Otari know about the levels beneath they runs? Like, is this common knowledge or privileged to a few?

They don't know much. Since level 1 has been picked over, and it contains about 4 ways down to a level 2, it's probably fair to say that specialists in the lore of Gauntlight Keep (like Morlibint, and maybe the mayor) know that there's a "basement" beneath it. They're probably wholly ignorant of even lower levels, though, and they don't know that Otari Ilvashti survived to stagger around within them for a bit before he finally died.

Having the townspeople react with shock and dread when the heroes come back with tales of horrid monsters on increasingly deeper levels is a great way to emphasize the hero's prestige, I think.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Perfect, thanks!

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