Justinian9 |
I have lost thousands of twitch points (paizo power) because I have no idea when a show is going to be on the channel. That 450 points for watching streaks is big and I have been unable to get them and the points for watching the show as Paizo is unable to keep their schedule updated, For example yesterday I looked at the schedule in the afternoon and nothing was on the schedule. I look this morning and I see you had a 4 hour long show. You update the dang schedule at the same time you put the show up! I am getting a bit ticked off!!!!!
This has been an issue for sometime now and I am tired of losing points. Please keep your twitch schedule updated.
Thank you!

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WOW,losing Twitch Paizo points compared to missing content, YIKES
I'd like them to update their Twitch schedule a week before myself as I can forget at times when specific shows come up and love to be there live rather than watching it later "unalive" so to speak, LOL
Aaron any way to get this done at some point?