Double checking my polymorph forms

Rules Questions

I have polymorph as a second level spell , so I know polymorph II and I

I'm making the forms up, so no free ability.
Breath weapon is from the general polymorph rules, which I'd never noticed before.

Polymorph 1

Tracking rat

Tracking (scent)
Resist Fire 2

Beaver I

Resist Cold 2
Swim 20

Sea Rat

Swim 20
Dr 1/magic

Wire Chewer
Resist Electric 2
Breath weapon 1d4 electric

Polymorph II

Smiling Dragon

Resist fire 5
Breath weapon fire (3d4)

Triceratops tank

Armor Savant
Dr 2 Magic
Resist fire 5

Roaring Dragon

Breath weapon Sonic [3d4]
DR 2 Magic
Move 40

Lightning lizard

breath weapon electric [3d4]
Resist electric 5
Climb 20

Polymorph 1 gives one ability, Polymorph 2-4 give two abilities, Polymorph 5-6 give three abilities.

One movement and natural attacks are free and don’t count. So all your forms that don’t have movement have an extra ability not allowed.

DOH, right, lets try again

All small humanoids (nothing at this level gives a reason to use anything else at the cost of equipment) So if he description is a tricperatops assume its a triceratops the same way ysoki are space rats or Vesk are space lizards.

Tracking rat

Tracking (scent)
Swim 20

Beaver I

Resist Cold 2
Swim 20

Sea Rat

Swim 20
Dr 1/magic

Wire Chewer

Swim 20
Resist electric 2

Polymorph II

Smiling Dragon

Breath weapon fire (3d4)
Climb 20

Triceratops tank

Armor Savant
Dr 2 Magic
Move 40

Roaring Dragon

Breath weapon Sonic [3d4]
DR 2 Magic
Move 40

Beaver II

Scrounger From ysoki: +2 survival stealth engineering
Resist cold 5
Swim 30

I think Armor Savant isn’t allowed due to a clause forbidding things that interact with equipment, the rest look good.

Don’t forget your +1 to dex skills for being small.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

I've been meaning to stat out Polymorph forms for my 10th level Xenodruid, and I always seem to get something wrong, so see if this looks correct:

Polymorph IV, form not based on actual creature (Polymorph appendix linked for ease of use)

Generic Fire Giant
Large Humanoid (size and type allowed by the spell)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. ("Decide if the form is tall or long")
Resistances fire 15 (1 Defensive Ability; 1of2 Abilities)
Speed 40 feet (1 free Movement)
Melee Slam +12 (2d8+10+Str B) (1 free Natural Attack)
Breath Weapon (40-ft. cone, 9d4 F, Reflex DC terrible, usable every 4 rounds) (2of2 Abilities)
+2 on Str-based skills and ability checks

Humanoid so I can keep my equipment
Reach for threatening and AoOs
Attack +12 is better for delivering touch spells
Resistance to one of the most used energy types
Breath Weapon is terrible, but okay vs swarms
This is for Society, which restricts "Other Abilities"

My impression has always been that things like Breath Weapon (and I think Compression, iirc?) that are mentioned in the polymorph base rules but not in the spell are unallowed in SFS. While I've never understood why this should be the case, it is the only interpretation I've seen that makes the second line of the Character Options exceptions make sense.

"Spells: the polymorph spell (page 145) is legal for play with the following exceptions:

-Other abilities (page 143) are never available.
-No ability that is not explicitly called out in the spell description can be gained from this spell.
-Players are required to bring the source of the polymorph with them AND have the forms prepared.
-Selected racial traits can only be selected from abilities listed in the “Racial Traits” sidebar for a race."

The only other interpretation for that second line that I've come up with is that it's referring to "other abilities" allowable by GM Fiat, but that's covered in the first exception.

Again, I'd love to know that I am wrong, so I'm up for other interpretations of what abilities (beyond 'other abilities') could normally be allowed by the spell, but are not explicitly called out in the spell description.

DrakeRoberts wrote:

My impression has always been that things like Breath Weapon (and I think Compression, iirc?) that are mentioned in the polymorph base rules but not in the spell are unallowed in SFS. While I've never understood why this should be the case, it is the only interpretation I've seen that makes the second line of the Character Options exceptions make sense.

"Spells: the polymorph spell (page 145) is legal for play with the following exceptions:

-Other abilities (page 143) are never available.
-No ability that is not explicitly called out in the spell description can be gained from this spell.
-Players are required to bring the source of the polymorph with them AND have the forms prepared.
-Selected racial traits can only be selected from abilities listed in the “Racial Traits” sidebar for a race."

The only other interpretation for that second line that I've come up with is that it's referring to "other abilities" allowable by GM Fiat, but that's covered in the first exception.

Again, I'd love to know that I am wrong, so I'm up for other interpretations of what abilities (beyond 'other abilities') could normally be allowed by the spell, but are not explicitly called out in the spell description.

My apologies. I thought I was in the SFS forum, but I must have jumped over here without realizing it. Mea culpa.

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"Other abilities" refers to

Other Abilities: If you’re designing a polymorph form based on a specific creature, the GM may allow you to select one of that creature’s special abilities or traits so long as the creature has a CR no higher than the spell’s maximum CR. If a polymorph spell grants a trait that uses a base creature’s CR for a calculation, instead use the spell’s maximum CR or the polymorphed creature’s character level or CR, whichever is lower.

Breath weapon isn't an other ability. Its specifically listed.

All of these are in addition to any abilities gained from the polymorph form’s type or subtype (which are limited—see Type and Subtype), and they must be selected from the following list: amphibious, breath weapon, breathing, compression, defensive abilities, limited telepathy, racial traits, senses, and trample.

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