Academy Sheet

Strength of Thousands

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I made a sheet to keep track of the free archetype rules and the academy rules from Strength of Thousands for my campaign, and i thought to share it because i don't see anything similar upload yet. Hope it helps.

Academy Sheet (1.0)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Great work! If I weren't running this virtually, I'd definitely add this to the PCs character sheets. Hopefully I'll have a physical presence group to run for in the near future that can make use of this.

Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

This is really well made! One note: Shouldn't that left column of "Dedication feats" instead be labeled "Archetype feats", since only the first one is definitely a dedication feat?

This is great! Thank you

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know that this is over two years since your initial post BadOwl, but it's still one of the top results on Google when searching for a SoT academy sheet so I wanted to add a resource here. But first, thank you so much, your work has been so helpful to me in making sense of the less-than-straighforward rules from the book, I really appreciate it.

I made a Google Sheets doc based on BadOwl's Academy Sheet in a format that made a little more sense to me, shared below. **Make sure to make a copy of the document first or you will not be able to edit it**.

Any user can select their dedication and their two branch selections from the drop-down menus, and the sheet will auto-fill all of the predefined info (branch skills, lore, feats; attendant feats, steeped in history milestones, influence, paragon, etc.), leaving them to enter their specific choices where available. I hope this is useful to you; it is a living document so if you find any issues or errors please let me know and I will change them from my end. Happy rolling!

Linked here for your clicking pleasure: {Sot Academy Tracking Google Sheet}

@Addrhman, the google sheet link is not working for me. Great idea, thanks either way.

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