After the Ravening (Discussion)

Play-by-Post Discussion

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

"Come in.... come in.... quickly, now...." the small man smiles, his voice a silky whisper.

As the door closes behind you, the man takes a moment to pull on a lever engaging a lock, even as he closes his eyes a moment to gather his will, presumably using psychic abilities to do something, though you're not sure what. Despite his precautions, he still leans forward, his voice low, "You're here to see the treasures.... the real treasures, from Before...."

His smile widens as he reaches into a chest - but not to pull something out, rather, to hit a latch, opening a well-hidden trap door. "I have what you're looking for - the true wonders of Before, that is. None of those cracked magelights or splintered brooms or heating stones that need two weeks to boil water. No, no, you see -- my friends have been plumbing the depths of ruins of Old Korvosa. They found where the Castle crashed to the ground when the Raveners ate the magic holding it aloft... more than that, they found the lead chests within, the ones where the Queen tried to hide her precious items. Nothing here is leaking power, and everything I sell is guaranteed not to release a primal surge..... In fact, if anything you buy from me doesn't deliver as promised, you can bring it back for a refund...." His eyes sparkle strangely as he says that, then adds, "But, my friend, let me just say that in all my years - noone ever has."

He looks down, then, and his voice is different, enough that you detect a hushed tone of wonder as he pulls out a leaden box, his hands a blur as he presses a number of levers and buttons before finally turning the key and opening it, drawing in a breath as he does so. He nods, then, and draws out old dusty tome, "One genuine spellbook. Ancient mysteries of the past," then moves it aside, drawing out a strange sky-blue stone the size of his palm, holding it in front of him then releasing it to hover in place. He smiles, "One of the many stones that once held the palace in the sky.... It's not enough to hold up a castle, but--" he places the spellbook on it, and the stone bobs slightly before returning to its normal spot, "--it'll make something weightless. Pretty useful to sew into the bottom of a heavy pack... or you could break it into smaller pieces to make your blades lighter in your hands.... I've even heard of some using them to make arrows that go as far as the eye can see." He pushes the floating stone and book away, and reaches into the chest, pulling out two final items, both wrapped in what looks to be old silken brocade. "This, " he says his voice almost reverent, unfolding the cloth, revealing a golden-hilted dagger, its blade dark and shiny, as if made of glass, speaking in a whisper, "is enchanted... an actual magical weapon... The magic protects the glass and stops it from shattering, and despite its small size, it bites deeply - like a blade twice its size." He puts the knife down, pulling a corner of the cloth back over it, leaving it partially exposed, as if it were draped in a sheet. Finally, he unwraps the last, a platinum scrollcase, with a hippogriff wrapped around it, its mane and tail decorated with onyx chips, and small sapphires for eyes. He twists and presses it in a few places, and the hippogriff detatches, "This.... this is a key to a vault where they supposedly hid away their greater treasures.... and that... a map to it....."

He waits a moment before reattaching the tiny figure with a click, "Untold wealth... just waiting for the right, dedicated individual to unlock them," he says as he wraps the scrollcase in its cloth and sets it back into the leaden chest...and then starts replacing the other items, "Of course, I have other items, too, in other chests, but to see them, I'll need to see the colour of your coin, but--," he unlocks a small strongbox filled with what appears to be green glass, "--I do have enough noqual to help you hide your magic from prying eyes... and to make sure you won't wake a Ravener when you use it."

He closes the box again, and his voice shifts from its whisper to a warmer, more engaged tone, "So, then, my friend, do you think we can make a deal?"

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

So, if you're here, you're either a lurker (Hello, Lurkers!), or someone who was invited to play and is thinking about it. The goal for this was to come up with a very different campaign than the usual kind -- something that feels different enough to be interesting and engaging, while also being able to stick to a ruleset we all (mostly) know and (generally) enjoy.

In this timeline, magic (specifically arcane magic), all but took over. That is to say, over time, such magic became more and more common, and the world became flooded in magical items -- both minor and major -- as a consequence of the ease with which such items are created and their permanence. Magic became so pervasive that even people with no arcane potential were using devices for many of their day-to-day tasks (heating their homes, cleaning them, etc.) -- and the rich and powerful began to treat potent magic as a status symbol, using it to literally build mansions, alter plants and animals to make unique gardens and pets -- and even result in castles flying in the sky...

But, this campaign doesn't take place in that world. Rather, it takes place in the world that came after that one was destroyed by strange magic-eating creatures called the Raveners. Specifically, it takes place about 1,000 years after the Ravening ended -- with most of the Raveners destroyed (or, at least, departed), with most of the rest now sleeping.

Some say that the Gods sacrificed themselves to stop the Raveners, others say that they expended their power to protect those of us who survived the Ravening -- others, still, that they used the last of their power to awaken a new magic in the world - what we now call psychic magic.... In the end, though, all that we really know is that the gods are gone -- though, thankfully, there are still some spirits, patrons and totems to answer at least some of our prayers. And between that, the new magics, and some alchemical discoveries - like powder and machinery - the world has been rebuilt. We have cities. We have nations. We have hope and a future.

But, we don't have arcane magic, not any longer, it's too dangerous. We don't have permanent magic items, either. Sure, there's a host of small trinkets from Before -- an entire grey economy in finding and collecting them -- and their petty magics don't seem to be an issue (though not all of them are stable), but every time someone's tried to do more -- to study and use arcane spells, or to create a powerful magic item -- it has drawn Raveners down on them... The last known attempt was about five centuries ago, and it's said that there are dozens of Raveners still feeding on the swirling mass of primal magic in that crater.

Some places, like New Westcrown, test children for arcane potential and exile or cast them out immediately. Others are more forgiving, watching carefully, only exiling (or executing) after someone's practiced the forbidden arts. Some have whispered that some of those children survive, somehow coming into their power in a way that they mask it from the Raveners -- others claim that those children are why there are still a few wakeful, wandering Raveners in the world.

For most people, this is simply the world and how it is, and they are content to farm, bake, trade - what have you. Do not suffer an arcanist to live, leave your offerings to nature, a spirit or patron, and you can have a mostly happy life.

Others, however, are driven to do more. Some are driven to crusade to hold back the numbers of the fast-breeding goblinoids, to ensure that their homeland -- or any homeland -- isn't overrun. Some seek the real truth about the past -- whether that being what drew the Raveners here, or the fate of the gods or both (as many tales of those are intertwined). Some are obsessed with the world Beyond and are either collectors of antiquities, or make a living in the grey market -- some tending toward the darker, shadowier parts of the grey. Some seek to complete the healing of the world by lancing the infection and destroying or driving off the Raveners. And, finally, others seek to find or wake the gods... or, even, to replace them.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Okay, so, I have some ideas for adventures and even campaigns in this "world" (and I've also worked out the mechanics, including how various classes have changed, new archetypes for certain classes, etc) -- but at the same time, it's a pretty open world that could allow for a number of different kind of campaigns -- anything from plundering the ancient vaults, to crusading against the Raveners, to crushing goblinoids to getting involved in battles between city-states to trying to establish one's own kingdom in the wilds -- and that's even before we get into the various types of seekers of truth/the past/the gods and the myriad possibilities that lay there as well.

So, now that you're here - think on the possibilities a little, and we can work together to build a campaign that will include as much of what everyone wants as we can. (On the plus side, almost none of these are mutually exclusive -- so we should be able to accommodate everyone, at least somewhat).

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060


Ok, as can be inferred from the names, this takes place in a future, alternate version of Golarion. One where there was no psychic magic and Gunslingers before the Raveners -- and one where magic got dialled to 11. Was that because the Runelords came back and brought their magic with them? Maybe. Was it the unleashing of winter magics from the North? Could be. Was it Tar-Baphon? Treerazor? All possible. But what is known is that all those magical upheavals and sources of potential cataclyms aren't here anymore. (Maybe the Raveners managed what even Aroden couldn't..)

And now -- on to some crunch....

This game will be using PF 1st edition rules, as described below.

Character Creation Guidelines

Starting Level: 3 (Enough to make an interesting build... and not be flattened by the first goblin you see -- though if he's got two friends...)
Attributes: 20-Point Buy (I don't recommend dump stats - I'm the mean GM who'll make you play a low INT or have people react to low CHA - I'd definitely not recommend a stat under 8 after racial mods)
Allowable Races: All core races, plus catfolk and the planetouched. (If you've got a really good backstory for something else, we can talk)
Allowed Classes/Archetypes: See spoiler (below) -- Let's just say, it's not what you're used to - arcane classes are out and divine classes are... different.
Alignment: I tend to prefer people working toward something good -- so, no evil. (Also, no Lawful Stupid or Chaotic Stupid. I hate that.)
Traits: 2. At this time, there are no campaign traits, but I might get my arm twisted into making a few. (That said, if anyone's has a trait that they can't take because it's in the same category as one they did, we can probably adapt it into a campaign trait...) And, personal GM peeve: the traits need to actually make sense - you can't be the poor kid who grew up on a farm and then pick an urban trait, for instance. And, yes, fine, you can take a third in exchange for a drawback - but I'll want to talk about the drawback and how it can actually come up in play.
Hit Points: Max at level 1. For every level thereafter, half plus a roll of a die with the same number of sides. (So, that's 3+d3, 4+d4, 5+d5 or 6+d6) Same applies to animal companions (since they're class features) - but not to NPCs (lookin' at you, leadership feat).
Skills: We will be using Background Skills, as described in Unchained. Skill unlocks are also a thing (they kind of have to be). (Note: There will be an increase in DC for spellcraft vs. arcane magic -- knowledge Arcana will be your friend, there. Also, it will be possible to take Lore in various things about the world Before)
Hero Points: They're in. You will all have 2 at the start of the campaign.
Starting Gold: And here's where I get weird. One issues I've always had with creating higher-level characters is that they're always better equipped than ones who develop naturally -- because they spend their WBL on exactly the right things, as opposed to making do with what they got out of the last dungeon or what they could barter/trade or sell. So, that said - please build based on max gold at level 1. Once you've done that, I'll provide a list of loot bags that represent what you found in your previous 2 levels worth of career -- people can then pick the one they want - and then do with it as they will (sell/trade, keep, whatever).
Houserules: I have a few, they'll be in a later post...

Allowed Classes and How They've Changed:

All Occult classes are in play, as written in the rules -- and, as can be inferred above, have mostly replaced arcane magic (especially since Raveners cannot feed on psychic magic).

For the non-occult classes:

Alchemist: Alchemy, while arcane magic, is limited and personal - such that its use doesn't seem to attract Raveners (though a Ravener will eat alchemecial magic if it's done in their area)

Antipaladin: No evil alignment -- so no.

Arcanist: Followers of this class would be exiled, or put to death, depending on the community.

Barbarian: Barbarians are still a thing.

Bard: Bards have adapted to the new world -- their magic is now divine in source and comes from a patron. Each bard must select a patron from this list: Ancestors, Intrigue, Lore, Nature, Occult, Streets or Whimsy -- and adds the mystery spells associated with the oracle mystery of the same name to their spell lists. This, however, means that archetypes requiring arcane magic {Arcane Duelist, Arrowsong Minstrel, Magician, etc} cannot be taken, and others have had their names changed (such as Arcane Healer becoming the Songhealer).

Bloodrager: While arcane magic is shunned and feared, there are still some who carry the taint of it in their blood. Those individuals generally live in fear, hiding the source of their power from others as much as they can -- which can present a challenge for a number of bloodlines -- and is almost impossible for others (i.e. - Arcane). Id Ragers, on the other hand, have no such issues or need to hide who they are.

Brawler: Brawlers are still a thing.

Cavalier: Cavaliers are still a thing, however, the Order of the Star is not, since there are no longer any gods to worship.

Cleric: Turns out, all those 'I worship an ethos or concept' folks were still just drawing power from the gods -- and now, they can't. There is one cleric archetype - the Reverent - available for play.

Druid: Nature, itself, and the natural cycle of Life and Death, continues to provide divine magics to druids -- and so, other than the fact they're all Green Faith-ers now, Druids are the same as ever.

Fighter: Turns out, all that bonus feating was of divine origi -- no, I'm kidding. Fighters are still a thing.

Gunslinger: Hey, people needed to turn to something when magic wasn't there. Gunslingers exist, as a relatively new thing -- and so we're still at an "emerging guns" level.

Hunter: See "Druid"

Inquisitor: Green Faith Marshals exist, and like druids and hunters, they draw their power directly from nature. Ravener Hunters also exist - and are dedicated to hunting down the remaining Raveners and cleansing the world (they tend to be short-lived)

Investigator: See "Alchemist"

Magus: Mindblades, who draw their power from psychic spells, are allowed. Nature-Bound Magi are also allowed, but their spells are considered divine (from the Green Faith), despite the spellbook.

Monk: Monks are still a thing... I recommend the unchained flavour.

Ninja: With the shift in nations and mixing of bloodlines during the recovery, there are no specific eastern classes. So, while ninja exist, they're effectively a rogue archetype.

Oracle: With no gods, the folk who cast divine magic from strange mysteries have largely filled the void -- oracles are more common than before.

Paladin: Turns out, all those 'I worship an ethos or concept' folks were still just drawing power from the gods -- and now, they can't. However, there are two new paladin archetypes available - the Romantic Paragon who seeks to be like the paladins of old, and the Soulsword, who seeks to bring paladinhood into the new age (using psychic abilities) -- available for play.

Ranger: Rangers are still a thing, with their magic coming directly from nature via the Green Faith. (Urban Rangers, instead, have magic from an Ancestor or Street Spirit). The lack of gods, however, precludes Divine Hunters.

Rogue: Rogues are still a thing. Again, I recommend the unchained variety

Samurai: With the shift in nations and mixing of bloodlines during the recovery, there are no specific eastern classes. So, while samurai exist, they are effectively a cavalier archetype.

Shaman: With no gods, the folk who draw divine magic from strange spirits are also more common than before.

Shifter: Shifter magic is druidic in nature, so all good.

Skald: Some Skald archetypes exist, with their magic considered divine in origin. Specifically: Fated Champions magic come from an Ancestor or Destiny Spirit, Hunt Callers from the Green Faith (i.e. Nature itself), and Totemic Skalds and War Painters draw magic from their totems.

Slayer: Slayers are still a thing (except Deliverers)

Sorcerer: Followers of this class would be exiled, or put to death, depending on the community. That said, people are still born with magic in their blood, so a dip and hiding one's powers could be done.

Summoner: First World Summoners draw their magic from a divine (druidic/natural) source, as do Pyroclasts. Spirit Summoners are also divine, from the Spirit they're bonded to. As for the rest, well, see "Arcanist", "Sorcerer" and "Wizard"

Swashbuckler: Swashbucklers are still a thing.

Vigilante: Personally, I don't see the appeal of this class unless you're a whole party of vigilante (unless you're only with the party in your identity). That said, they're allowed, if you want. But no Magical Childer (see "Summoner") or Warlocks (see "Wizard").

Warpriest: Turns out, all those 'I worship an ethos or concept' folks were still just drawing power from the gods -- and now, they can't. However, there are still some Calamity Callers (no longer restricted to elves) and Feral Champions drawing their power from the Green Faith, and the (new) Spellblighter.

Witch: Havocker witches are considered to use psychic magic, and Season Witches use divine magic, despite their spell lists. For all other flavours, see "Arcanist", "Sorcerer" and "Wizard".

Wizard: Are you kidding? Followers of this class would be exiled, or put to death, depending on the community.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

New Archetypes

Reverent (Cleric):

The gods are dead... or maybe just gone.... but even a thousand years later, there are still some - mostly amongst the longer-lived races, like elves and gnomes - who dedicate themselves to their memory. Some Reverents do so from a sense of trying to fill the void, while others seem to hold on to some hope that the gods may return, or maybe even be born anew. However, whatever their reasons, their own study and faith has led to them attracting the attention of celestial (or fiendish) beings who have similar hopes or dedication, granting them echoes of the power the gods once did.

In game terms, Reverents are the only type of cleric since the Raveners came to the world.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Reverent has dedicated herself to the ideal of one of the deceased deities -- but, it's been 1,000 years, and so, that ideal isn't necessarily reflective of how things were. and, as a result, gained proficiency with one martial or exotic weapon based on that ideal. This choice must be made at first level, be appropriate to the remembered deity, and once she makes this choice, she can’t later change it.

Spells: A Reverent begins the game with only a flicker of their own faith, though as she progresses, she will forge links with the past, eventually gaining her spells from celestial/fiendish beings who once served the gods. These links are, however, weaker - which has two effects. First, the Reverent has one fewer spell slot per spell level in which she can prepare spells than normal. Second, drawing on the celestial or fiendish powers that allow her to cast spells is challenging - any time the cleric casts a spell of the highest level they can cast, the cleric must take extra time to focus and gather the energy, increasing the casting time of any spell that could normally be cast in a standard action to a full-round action (but not 1 round). The Reverent can attempt to overcome this and cast the spell normally by making a concentration check (DC 15 + the spell's level), however, doing so risks a backlash. If the concentration check succeeds, the spell is cast quickly and the reverent takes non-lethal damage equal to the spell level. If it fails, the spell is lost, and the damage is lethal, instead. A successful will save (DC 10 + spell level) negates the non-lethal damage, or halves the lethal damage.

Seeker of Knowledge: A Reverent's attempts to cling to old traditions and work with the former servants of the gods result in a +2 holy or profane bonus to all Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge(Religion) and Spellcraft checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels (to a maximum of +5 at level 20). The Reverent may attempt these checks untrained.

Domains: A Reverent may select two domains that would align with the ideal of a dead god -- this represents which spirits and/or former servants of the gods she has managed to connect with. Each day when the Reverent prepares her spells, she must select which domain will apply -- granting her domain powers and domain spells slots.

At 5th level, the Reverent's link to her god's servants grows stronger, allowing her to also keep a link to their secondary domain. This link is weaker, however, and functions as if she were 4 levels lower. The secondary domain does provide a (second) domain spell slot, albeit only for lower level spells. (For example, a level 7 Reverent would get a domain spell slot at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from her selected domain, but only a 1st and 2nd from the secondary).

At 10th and 15th levels, the Reverent's contact with the servants of the dead god increases, and she gains access to an additional domain that aligns with the ideals of the lost deity, however, she may only link to one primary and one secondary domain each time she prepares her spells.

Spontaneous Casting: A Reverent cannot convert prepared spells into cure or inflict spells, rather, this stored energy can be converted into a domain spell. Specifically, she can lose a prepared spell, including a domain spell, to spontaneously cast a domain spell of the same spell level (or lower), subject to the level restriction of the secondary domain.

Channel Energy: As could the clerics of legend, a Reverent can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. However, in order to this, the reverent must gather the power from a number of weaker sources - several servants of the old gods, and even themselves, in the form of their own faith. Because of this, channeling energy is a full-round action that does provoke attacks of opportunity. The Reverent may, instead, choose to rush and release a weaker burst as a standard action that does not provoke, but such a burst uses D4s, and has its save DC reduced by 2.

Surge of Faith: At 5th level, rather than releasing the holy or unholy energy in a burst, a Reverent can hold it, using it to strengthen her link to their divine sources, allowing them to use their secondary domain's powers at her full cleric level for a number of rounds equal to the number of channel dice. This allows spontaneous casting of higher level spells but does not provide additional spell slots. At 10th level, by expending 2 uses of Channel, the Reverent can access the domain powers and spells of a non-selected domain as if it were also a secondary domain (at level -4). Holding this power takes a toll on the Reverent, leaving her fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the length of the surge.

Romantic Paragon (Paladin):

The gods are dead... or maybe just gone.... but their legends, and those of the holy warriors that fought evil in their names have survived, passed on from generation to generation. To most, these are naught but legends, but to some, these tales of romantic heroes have resonated -- and some of those have even started to live up to those ideals: the Romantic Paragons. While not necessarily the paladins of legend, Paragons, through a combination of their own faith, training and virtue, have managed to forge a new path of righteousness -- and, the most able, dedicated and gifted of their numbers have caught the attention of the celestial beings that once served the gods -- gaining valuable allies and powers to assist them on their crusade against evil.

In game terms, Romantic Paragons are one of only two paladins since the Raveners came to the world.

Class Skills: A Romantic Paragon adds Knowledge (Planes) to her class list.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Romantic Paragon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all types of armour and shields (excepting tower shields).

Seeking Sight (Su): At will, a Romantic Paragon can activate her seeking sight. This sight duplicates the effects of detect fiendish presence and detect undead. She can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine its nature, as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, she does not gain information about any other object or individual in range. This ability replaces detect evil.

Righteous Hatred (Ex): The Romantic Paragon has dedicated herself to fighting the forces of evil in the world, and as a result of her special training, may select evil outsiders, undead, goblinoids, evil aberrations, evil giants or evil dragons as a favoured enemy, per the ranger class feature, with a +2 bonus against the selected group. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the bonuses increase against her favoured enemy increase by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at level 20). Additionally, at level 5 and every 5 levels thereafter, she may select another creature type from the list above to apply her hatred to.

Righteous Defense (Ex): At 2nd level, a Romantic Paragon gains a bonus to her saving throws equal to her favoured enemy bonus against any the exceptional, supernatural and spell-like abilities of a creature for whom her righteous hatred applies. This bonus also applies to any spells such a creature may cast. This replaces divine grace.

Celestial Recovery (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a Romantic Paragon can, as a swift action, call upon her faith (and a celestial spirit) to heal her wounds. This grants the paladin fast healing equal to half her paladin level for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier. The Paragon may only have one Celestial Recovery in effect at a time. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her charisma modifier. At 5th level, and every three levels thereafter, she gains an additional use of this ability. This replaces lay on hands.

Celestial Fortification (Su): At 3rd level, a Romantic Paragon becomes resistant to curses, fear and disease, gaining a bonus to her saving throws against these effects equal to her paladin level. This bonus is added to the DC of any attempt to intimidate the Paragon. At 8th level, celestial fortification also applies to charm effects. At 17th, it also applies to domination effects. At 13th level, it allows the Paragon to roll twice and take the best when saving against a protected effect. If targeted with an effect that would not normally allow save, the Paragon may make a (single) saving throw against that effect. This replaces aura of resolve and divine health.

Shining Example (Su): At 3rd level, a Romantic Paragon who is not frightened or shaken can provide words of encouragement to her allies to bolster their courage as a standard action. This provides a morale bonus to saving throws against fear effects to all allies who were within 30' when she activated the ability equal to her charisma bonus for 1 minute per paladin level. This bonus increases by 1 at level 7, and every four levels thereafter. Affected allies that are already under a fear effect when the Paragon uses this ability are granted another save. At 11th level, this bonus also applies to saves against charm effects. This is a language-dependent effect. This replaces aura of courage.

Faith Healing (Su): At 4th level, a Paragon gains the ability to heal others as a standard action, by transferring an active Celestial Recovery effect to an ally with a touch. At 8th level, the Paragon can transfer her recovery using faith healing as a move action, so long as the target is willing and she has a free hand. Alternatively, the Paragon can use this healing power to deal persistent damage to undead creatures equal to what a living creature would heal by succeeding on a successful melee touch attack that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. This replaces mercy.

Divine Bond: At 5th level, a Romantic Paragon may either select a weapon or a shield (following the rules of the sacred shield archetype) as her divine bond.

Smite Evil (Su): At 7th level, the Romantic Paragon gains the ability to call on the former servants of the gods to aid her in her struggles. This functions as the smite evil ability of a normal paladin, however, the bonus damage is equal to half the Paragon's level. The bonus damage from a smite is doubled on the first successful attack against a creature for whom her righteous hatred applies. The Paragon may use this ability once per day. At 10th level, and every three levels thereafter, she may smite evil an additional time per day, to a maximum of 5 times at 19th level. This modifies smite evil.

Celestial Link: At 8th level, the Romantic Paragon's link to the former servants of the gods has grown strong enough that she can call a spirit into herself that allows her to cast spells. Doing so requires that the paragon spend an hour in prayer and communion, both to purify herself and to prepare the spirit. During this process, the paragon may select a number of spells that the spirit will grant as indicated on the paladin table, with bonus spells provided based on her Charisma. In addition, the paragon may select one of the following subdomains: Defense (Protection), Heroism (Glory), Leadership (Nobility), Restoration (Healing) or Tactics (War).

Once the ritual is complete, the paladin may call the spirit into herself at any time during the following day as a standard action. While the spirit is present, the paragon gains a caster level equal to her paladin level - 3, and may cast the spells she selected as well as any domain spells at a level that she can cast (so long as she has a charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level), expending them as if she'd prepared them herself. Additionally, while the spirit is present, she may also use the spirit's domain powers, using her caster level as her cleric level, and charisma instead of wisdom for determining domain abilities. The paladin can hold the spirit within herself for a number of minutes equal to her level each day. These minutes need not be continuous, but must be spent in full-minute increments.

This alters spellcasting, and it should be noted that a paragon not bound to a spirit has neither a caster level nor a spell list.

Shared Hatred (Ex): At 11th level, a Romantic Paragon can, as a standard action, expend a use of smite evil to share her Righteous Hatred with a number of allies equal to her Charisma bonus for one minute. This is most effective with good allies, who receive an a bonuses equal to the Paragon's her hated foes. Neutral creatures receive half the bonuses, and evil creatures cannot benefit from this ability.

Divine Rejuvenation (Su): At 12th level, a Romantic Paragon can expend two uses of her Celestial Recovery ability to heal ability damage. For a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier, the Paragon will recover 1 point of ability damage per four paladin levels.

Healing Burst (Su): At 13th level, the Romantic Paragon can, as a standard action that does not provoke, expend two uses of her Celestial Recovery ability to call a swarm of lesser spirits to rapidly heal herself and a number of allies equal to her charisma modifier. This blast of energy heals good-aligned targets 2 points per level of the paragon. Neutral targets are healed half this amount (1 point per paladin level), and evil creatures cannot benefit from this ability . This is replaces Channel Energy.

Holy Warrior (Su): At 14th level, the combination of her faith and power flowing through the Romantic Paragon causes all of her attacks to be considered good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The paladin can share this ability with a number of allies within 30' equal to her charisma modifier as a free action. This replaces Aura of Faith.

Steadfast (Su): At 17th level, a Romantic Paragon becomes supernaturally resilient, gaining DR/evil equal to her Charisma modifier. This replaces aura of resolve.

Romantic Hero (Su): At 20th level, the Romantic Paragon becomes the embodiment of her ideals. Her type is treated as an outisder (native) for the purposes of spells and magical effects, and she gains darkvision 60' and low-light vision. As a standard action, she can sprout silver wings that allow her to fly at twice her land speed with average maneuverability. These wings can be dismissed as a free action. In addition, whenever she strikes one of her hated foes, she does additional damage as if she were smiting evil. The fast healing from her Celestial Recovery is doubled, and she can call a second spirit while using Faith Healing. This replaces Holy Champion.

Soulsword (Paladin):

The gods are dead... or maybe just gone.... but their legends, and those of the holy warriors that fought evil in their names have survived, passed on from generation to generation. These legends have resonated with some as they've been handed down across the generations -- causing some to cling to the ancient traditions and become Romantic Paragons -- but others, who have recognized that the world has changed and the gods are gone have forged a new path to paladinhood, turning their innate faith and will into a weapon to be used against evil. This new breed call themselves Soulswords, after the most obvious manifestation of their own abilities.

Class Skills: A Soulsword gains Perception as a class skill.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Soulsword does not gain proficiency in heavy armour.

Natural Empath (Ex): Soulswords gain the Empathy feat as a bonus feat at first level, and, gain a bonus equal to half their paladin level on empathy checks. Additionally, she reduces the period of vulnerability after using empathy by a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus (to a minimum of 0). At 5th level, Soulswords can use Empathy as a standard action. At 9th level, as a move action, and as a swift action at 13th level. This replaces detect evil.

[/b]Soulsword (Su):[/b] At 1st level, by focusing their psychic talent, the paladin can conjure their soulsword, a physical manifestation of their will and righteousness, into her hand as a move action. The soulsword is unique to each paladin - its form is a manifestation of her own inner self - and need not be an actual sword (many dwarves, for example, conjure axes) but it is always a light or one-handed slashing or piercing weapon that she is proficient with, chosen at first level. Other than the damage type (slashing v. piercing), the actual form of the blade does not alter its characteristics. The soulsword is an extension of the paladin, and cannot exist outside her hand. If the paladin drops the blade, or is disarmed, it ceases to exist and must be called forth again.

The soulsword is considered both magic and good for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance. Regardless of its form, the blade does damage per the Warpriest sacred weapon progression, and has a threat range of 19-20/x2. Despite this, all feats that modify weapon attacks (such as weapon focus, power attack, weapon finesse) apply to the soulsword as if it were a normal weapon corresponding to its form.

The blade of a soulsword is always bright - usually silver or gold in colour -- and when used in combat, it blazes with light, illuminating the darkness 20' around it as if the target of a light spell. This light causes the blade to do an additional d6 of holy damage against evil outsiders. Out of combat, the paladin can activate or deactivate the light at will with a free action.

Soulswords are resistant to damage, but not indestructible. A soulsword has double the standard hit points of a weapon of its type, plus a bonus equal to the paladin's charisma modifier for each paladin level. For the purpose of resisting damage (such as sunder), it gains a bonus to hardness equal to the paladin's charisma modifier, plus 1 paladin level. The paladin can, as an immediate action, push her own lifeforce into the blade to keep it strong, repairing any damage by sacrificing her own hit points. A damaged soulsword will recover 2 hit points per paladin level after the paladin is able to completely rest (generally overnight), clear her mind, and meditate for at least an hour. It cannot be affected by mending or make whole. If a soulsword is broken (by damage), it is not destroyed, but disrupted -- instantly vanishing and creating a psychic backlash to the paladin, inflicting d4 non-lethal damage per two paladin levels and inflicting a temporary negative level. The paladin must also make a will save (DC 10 + paladin level) against the sudden shock, or be stunned for d4 rounds. A disrupted blade cannot be recalled until after the paladin is able to rest and meditate (as above) and will have two hit points per paladin level when called.

Psychic Focus (Su): Once per day, the paladin can use her Natural Empathy in order to attune herself, and her soulsword, against an evil foe. When so attuned, she gains a bonus to attack equal to her charisma bonus, and does additional damage equal to her paladin level. In addition, the soulsword's light also affects the opponent, even if they are not an evil outsider. This ability only works against evil creatures. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may use her focus one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level. This replaces smite evil.

Sliver of Self (Su): As a physical manifestation of the paladin's will, the soulsword reinforces her pyche, and by extension, her body. This grants the paladin a bonus to Will and Fortitude saves equal to her Charisma bonus while wielding her soulsword. This replaces divine grace.

Font of Faith (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, during her meditation each morning, a Soulsword focuses her will, psychic talent and righteousness, refreshing a deep well from which she can draw power when needed. Each day, this well contains a number of points equal to her charisma modifier, plus half her paladin level. The paladin's font regains a point if she reduces a (non-helpless) creature under her psychic focus to 0 or fewer hit points with her soulsword.

At second level, the paladin can draw one point from this pool to heal individuals (or, more accurately, to focus their own minds and give them a surge of energy that lets them heal themselves) with a touch as a standard action, curing d8 plus a number points equal to her paladin level. At 8th level, and every 6 levels, this healing increases by d8 (to a maximum of 4d8 + 20 at level 20). If she has her soulsword in hand, the paladin can use this ability on herself as a swift action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.

At 4th level, the paladin learns to use this energy to focus, and can expend two points from their font to activate a Psychic Focus (in addition to the normal number of uses per day). Alternatively, they can expend a use of their focus to regain one point in their font. This replaces Lay on Hands, and is modified by feats or spells that would affect Lay on Hands.

Sword of Faith (Su): At 3rd level, by expending a point from her font of faith as a swift action, the paladin can reinforce her soulsword, granting it a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. At sixth level, and every three levels thereafter, the soulsword gains another effective +1 bonus, to a maximum (total) bonus of +6 at 18th level. Alternatively, the enhancement bonuses can be used to provide the following weapon properties: axiomatic, defending, disruption, holy, keen, merciful, speed or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's cost (see Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities). The paladin may also add reach, trip, brace or other (mundane) special properties at the cost of +1 each. These bonuses and properties are decided when the pool point is spent and cannot be changed. As the soulsword is inherently magical, there is no need for the sword to have a +1 bonus in order for the properties to be bestowed. This replaces divine bond.

Elemental Aura (Su): At 4th level, the Soulsword can channel her kineticist abilities into her soulsword, fortifying it. The soulsword may select one element (acid, cold, electricity or fire). As a swift action, she can sheathe her soulsword in an aura of that element, causing the blade to inflict 1d6 elemental damage until the start of her next turn. At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the damage increases by an additional d6 (to a maximum 5d6 of at level 20). The paladin may select a second energy type at level 11, and a third at level 18. Only one aura can be in effect at a time. Elemental aura damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This replaces mercy and all of the paladin's auras.

Spells: At 5th level, the Soulsword can channel her psychic abilities in order to cast spells from the paladin list as psychic spells while her soulsword is manifested. When doing so, the soulsword acts as the material focus for any spell she is trying to cast. The paladin selects which spells to prepare during her morning meditation, and her spellcasting is charisma based. Her spellcasting is slightly diminished, however, such that she may cast 1 less spell per level compared to what is indicated on the paladin table (0 reduces to -, meaning that spells of that level cannot be cast yet, and 1 to 0, meaning that spells may only be cast if her charisma provides bonus spells), and her caster level is equal to her paladin level -4.

Inner Light (Sp): At 6th level, the soulsword can use a standard action to concentrate on her link with her soulsword, causing its light to blaze that sheds bright light within 20' and increases the level of light within the next 20' by 2 steps for 1 minute. As part of this action, the soulsword can spend a point from their Font to heighten the effective spell level to half of her paladin level (in order to counter magical darkness or magic-suppressing effects).

Purity of Body (Ex): At 7th level, a soulsword gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases. This replaces divine health.

Font Replenishment (Su): At 8th level, a soulsword can, as a standard action, consume her spell energy to replenish her Font, gaining a number of points equal to the level of spell being consumed. Alternatively, when casting a spell, the soulsword can expend a number of points equal to the spell level in order to retain the spell in her memory.

Righteous Aura (Su): At 9th level, the paladin may expend a point from her font as a free action to infuse her soulsword's elemental aura with her righteousness, converting half of the damage to holy (as per Flame Strike) until the start of her next turn.

Extension of Will (Ex): At 10th level, the paladin becomes immune to attempts to disarm her soulsword. In addition, the soulsword can ignore hardness equal to the paladin's level (i.e. - when attacking objects or being used to sunder.)

Healing Light (Su): At 11th level, when wielding her soulsword, the paladin can expend two points from her Font of Faith to release a burst of brilliant, healing light as a standard action. This burst causes all good-aligned creatures within 40' to heal an amount of damage equal to half the paladin's level, plus an additional d4 points per two level of her paladin levels. This replaces channel energy.

Dispelling Stike (Su): At 12th level, the paladin can expend a point from her Font as a standard action, to use her soulsword to disrupt a magical effect. This requires the paladin to strike the target with the blade, and acts as a dispel magic cast at the paladin's level. Targeting a creature in this way requires a successful attack against the target's touch AC, and the strike does not inflict damage.

Holy Fire (Su): At 13th level, the soulsword can, as a swift action, expend an additional point from her font as a free action to cause her soulsword to become one with its righteous aura, becoming radiant elemental energy. This causes the weapon to ignore non-living defenses, striking as if it were brilliant energy, save that it can still affect undead creatures and constructs.

Unbreakable Will (Su): At 15th level, the paladin's soulsword becomes almost unbreakable, gaining immunity to sunder. While holding the blade, she takes on a measure of this resiliency, gaining DR 3/- and being able to roll twice and take the better result when making saving throws against all forms of mind-affecting effects.

Perfect Blade (Su): At 20th level, the soulsword's full potential is unlocked. Her blade gains a longer reach (as a reach weapon) but retains the ability to strike adjacent foes. It becomes unbreakable by any means less than a wish or miracle and bypasses all damage resistance and hardness. Its critical range increases to 17-20, its multiplier to x3 and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. The elemental aura damage is always righteous, without requiring her to spend points from her font. While holding the sword, the paladin's damage resistance increases to 5/-, she gains fast healing equal to her charisma bonus and she becomes immune to all (hostile) mind-affecting effects. This replaces Holy Champion.

Spellblighter (Warpriest):

Spellblighters are not followers of any god, rather, they are those called by the Spirits and Mysteries that bear the scars of the coming of the Raveners. Some accept the call to become guardians for the world, simply ensuring that no more damage can be done by those who would recklessly play with powers that they can neither understand nor control. Others believe that no amount of arcane magic is safe, seeking to destroy even the magical trinkets that litter the black markets. And some -- maybe those called by spirits who suffered greatly during the Dark Times -- seek to destroy all magic, regardless of who is wielding it or how it's being used.

Alignment: Spellblighters may be of any alignment, but that alignment generally matches their patron Spirit.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Spellblighters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields). As they do not follow a god, they do not receive a favoured weapon.

Aura: Spellblighters do not cast alignment auras, unless their patron Spirit provides an alignment blessing (see below).

Blessings: There are a number of Spirits that call Spellblighters, and while they all share certain characteristics and abilities, they also vary widely. The exact nature of their patron Spirit influences the Spellblighter - affecting her magic, their alignment, and, over time, even her core beliefs and values. As the Spellblighter becomes more powerful, this influence may begin to work both ways. This similarity between Spirits results in all Spellblighters sharing the Spellblight Blessing (see below), however, they may select another Blessing from the list of Warpriest blessings, reflecting their Spirit's other aspects and personality. A Spellblighter can select an alignment blessing only if her alignment matches it. The uses per day, DC and all other aspects of Blessings work as normal.

Bonus Feats: Whenever a Spellblighter gains a bonus feat, she must choose from the following list: Combat Casting, Disruptive Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Counterspell, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes.

At 6th level, she adds the following feats to this list: Dispel Focus, Dispel Synergy, Disruptive, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, and Improved Lightning Reflexes.

At 12th level, she adds the following feats to this list: Banishing Critical, Destructive Dispel, Dimensional Awareness, Dispelling Critical, Parry Spell, and Ray Shield.

She need not meet the prerequisites for these feats. This ability alters bonus feats.

Spontaneous Counterspelling: A Spellblighter can channel stored spell energy into blasts that disrupt the spells of others. This allows the warpriest to expend any prepared spell that isn’t an orison to attempt to counterspell any spell being cast of the same spell level or lower. This ability replaces Spontaneous Casting.

Arcane Interference (Su): At 4th level, a Spellblighter can draw forth and release a blast of energy that interferes with magic by expending two uses of her fervor ability. She can choose to have this manifest in one of two ways:

- Warding: The blast of energy protects the Spellblighter and all her allies within 30 feet. Affected creatures recieve a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities for a number of rounds equal to her warpriest level. This bonus increases by 1 every 4 levels (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

- Suppression: Any spellcasters (or creature with spell-like abilities) within 30' of the Spellblighter when the blast is released have their magical abilities partially suppressed, reducing their effective caster level by 2 for a number of rounds equal to the Spellblighter's Wisdom Bonus plus 1 additional round per 4 levels of the warpriest (to a maximum duration of 5 + Wisdom Bonus rounds at level 20). This penalty increases to 3 at level 12, and to 4 at level 20. The reduction to the caster level affects all variables of the spell (or ability), but cannot prevent spellcasting unless it reduces the creature's caster level to 0. The Spellblighter can exclude herself and one additional ally per four levels from this effect. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Spellblighter's level + her Wisdom modifier) reduces the duration to 1 round.

This ability replaces channel energy.

Destroy Enchantment (Su): At 6th level, a Spellblighter learns to focus her arcane interference. As a standard action, she can consume two uses of her fervor ability to target a single creature within 30 feet with a targeted dispel magic. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.

Spellblighter Blessing

Hunter of Magic (minor): At 1st level, you can you can touch one weapon and fill it . For 1 minute, this weapon glows blue-green, orange or violet, and deals an additional 1d4 points of untyped magical damage. During this time, the weapon is considered magical for the purpose of bypassing damage resistance and the first attack made with this weapon each round ignores any enchantment or deflection bonuses to Armour Class.

Magic Immunity (greater): At 10th level, you can touch an ally to ward it from magic. This works as minor globe of invulnerability, though only affecting the person touched, with a duration of 1 minute. At level 15, the effect grows more powerful, acting as globe of invulnerability.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

This looks too amazing not to jump in.

For a while now, psychic has been on my short list of classes I want to try, but I have plenty of other ideas as well!

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Glad to hear it, CH. That's... one.

I'm sure I can probably twist Treppa's arm for two.

After that, I may need to start being creative. ;)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

What sort of state is civilization in at this point? Is it functioning rather well (by Golarion standards), or is the absence of magic leaving some type of void that society has not yet recovered from?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Society has mostly adapted to the new normal -- new Nation-states have risen, though most are small by old standards -- but there are ships sailing traderoutes between them.

But the loss of the gods has left a void for some (certainly the Outsiders who lost their bosses - both the gods and the highest level servants) and that feeling of loss is redoubled by the trinkets and artefacts from Before.

Of course I'm interested!

Does planar stuff all work - devils, demons, etc?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

It does, though the outer planes took their hits too - Raveners following people who plane shifted, the loss of the highest orders of outsiders (servants of the gods and the semi-divine stuff like Demon Lords and the like)

Yeah, that's what I was wondering: if the Demon Lords and Princes of Hell were still around and active.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

So, yes, to be clear -- the upper level of Outsiders are gone. That isn't to say there aren't powerful named Demons and Devils trying to fill the void (or Archon or Azata, or, or..) -- just that during the Ravening, all the big stuff (and, especially, anything with even a spark of divinity - nascent or realized) is gone.

And, of course, today, Scholars argue about the significance of that particular detail and its possible implications.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Ok, so it's looking like I may be able to start this -- assuming that the two of you are still interested, does anyone have any ideas for others? (I can think of a few myself, to be fair) -- I'm basically trying to aim for people who'll be dedicated to the campaign and willing to move it forward -- this isn't an AP, so it won't necessarily just be climbing a linear ladder to the end.

For that matter, getting enough players to discuss what kind of campaign and goals they'd like would be a good starting point

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I’m a little out of the loop on who might be looking right now.

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