Google Sheets Character Sheet

Homebrew and House Rules

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Hey all, I posted this in General, but it didn't garner much interest. Thought it might fit better here.

Original sheet: Original Sheet

Pros & Cons:

- Fits on a 1920x1080 monitor with minimal/no scrolling required and some room for a text/word document to the side (you should just be able to fit the text of a Word doc with 1" margins to the side of this sheet) for notes.

- No automatic condition checkboxes
- Skills have fewer columns for modifiers, so might be slightly harder to keep track of

Here's an expanded version I'm considering based on some feedback I got: Expanded Sheet


- More space for proficiencies, conditions (including some checkboxes that auto-calculate penalties for the most common), skill bonuses/penalties
- Room to write down allies & NPCs on the character sheet itself

- Can't see all the Sheet tabs at the bottom at the designed screen width - will need to use the hamburger menu (extra click bad)

I'd love to get feedback/etc, but also just feel free to use these to your hearts' content. Here's the original post so you can go see some of the design principles I had in mind.

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