Cover and Dragon Breath Weapon

Rules Questions

The rules state that if you have Cover, you gain a +2 to your Reflex save vs. Dragon's breath.

But what if the breath weapon uses a Fortitude save instead - for instance, the Gold Dragon's Weakening breath, or a Silver Dragon's paralysis breath? The breath weapon is still a cone, but as it does not state the save is Reflex-based, will it ignore the Cover bonus?

I would say it does ignore the cover bonus,
if its a fortitude save, having cover doesn't help their health.

For example, a poison breath attack is just going to go over the cover they have like a fog.
A fire breath attack stops when it hits a barrier.

But also you can dodge a beam of fire. You can't really dodge a cloud.

Sovereign Court

I would allow it. It's a breath weapon. It comes out forcefully from the dragon's mouth, not like coffee drip in some kind of slo-mo dream sequence. Hiding behind a great big rock is probably the only way low-level peasants ever survived seeing a dragon.

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Eagle Tank wrote:
I would allow it. It's a breath weapon. It comes out forcefully from the dragon's mouth, not like coffee drip in some kind of slo-mo dream sequence. Hiding behind a great big rock is probably the only way low-level peasants ever survived seeing a dragon.

Hiding in a cellar, a small cave or an underground storm shelter seems more probable. Or simply being the less interesting target and run away.

The cover bonus is specific and isn't against Dragon Breath, it for Reflex saves.

AoN wrote:
Cover and Reflex Saves: Cover grants you a +2 bonus on Reflex saves against attacks that originate or burst out from a point on the other side of the cover from you. Note that spread effects can extend around corners and thus negate this cover bonus.

Shadow Lodge

What you want is Total Cover when dragons are involved. Ha!

the best part is how you get to deliver the news to the players;

DM: and the dragon rears back unleashing a miasmatic cloud of silver particles!

Player: I'm behind cover, does that help?

DM: it gives you a +2 to Reflex saves! Now, make me a Fortitude save! *laughs maniacally!!!!*

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