SFS 3-16: The Vast Experiment: Fast Choices

GM Discussion

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Just finished running this, and it was WAY too easy. Every DC was beaten by 5 to 10. The cultists couldn't do anything and the plants were barely better. After two broadsides from the drake the Novaspawn was at 2hp (107 then 116 damage) compared to my output of 18 then 20.

Needs some re-balancing.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Texas—Houston

Repeated attempts to speak with these NPCs lose their effectiveness: each successive attempt to speak with a specific NPC incurs a –2 penalty. After three failed attempts to speak with a given NPC, that guest no longer has interest in speaking with the PCs.

The way I'm reading this is that the successive attempts have a -2 penalty, but the penalty is not cumulative per attempt. Is this correct?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East


5/5 5/55/55/5

Does it matter if they're trying the same skill or changing it up?


Also just finished running it (Tier 7-8, four players). I agree the skill check were very easy, to the point where I'd ignore some of the four player adjustments just to give them a little more challenge.

I had the NPC penalty be cumulative (didn't stop them).

Is there really supposed to be no equipment on the chronicle sheet?

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Hey, I’m prepping this to run at PaizoCon and I’m a little confused how the chase scene is supposed to go? Maybe I’m an idiot but I can’t follow it at all.

So, like, everyone chooses a starship role, got that. Then ONE PC can attempt to deal with the obstacle that shows up and ONE PC can attempt to continue the chase? What do the other PCs do, aid another? What if there is no one in the slot that the obstacle calls for, does the team just automatically loose that round? (For example, one obstacle requires a science/magic officer check, but in a four player group I find that those are often the first two positions to go, in favor of pilot, gunner, captain, engineer.)

Also, do the ‘hits’ the star ship suffers do anything to the ship in the subsequent fight? Or do you just loose your second point for scratching the paint?

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