Is anyone tracking the number of active campaigns on this forum?

Online Campaigns General Discussion

I have the impression it was down a bit this year, from a peak c. 2014-18. But that's purely a subjective impression, and could certainly be wrong.

So -- is anyone tracking it?

At least a few hundred at the moment if you look at how many pages of campaigns there are that are regularly updated in the gameplay subforum. Depends what you mean as "active" as some games are very slow but still active.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
So--is anyone tracking it?

I doubt anyone tracks it, but a crude metric would be to choose a fixed period (previous week, previous month, previous six months) and then count how many pages back you have to go in the gameplay forum to reach that date.

As an example, in the last 30 days in the Play-By-Post forum, 383 gameplay threads have had at least one post.

It's the end-of-the-year holiday season, which in the US includes Thanksgiving, so that may be either higher or lower than average over the rest of the year.

Unfortunately, you can't do that kind of count for earlier months, because you'll miss all the gameplay threads that have had at least one post since the end of your counting period.

But it might be a fun metric to run two or three times a year, just to see what the volume of threads is. (notice that this only counts threads: there's no easy way to count posting activity in individual threads.)

I do actually have a project that tracks that, and more... unfortunately, I haven't run it recently, so can't give you a current number.

That would actually be pretty interesting. I had the same impression, it also seems there are less games offered somehow.
And i really don't see a lot of Starfinder or Pathfinder 2 PbP games and campaigns somehow.

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I only have stats for the Adventure Paths run by PbP in this site. Some campaigns with weird naming or multiple threads might be out of these numbers.

The first number is the number of active campaigns (those that have received posts in Gameplay during the last two weeks). Second number is the number of ever opened campaigns (some are threads with less than 100 posts, a few have as little as just 1).

About the years, first number is how many campaigns started that year, and last number is how many campaigns died+completed that year.

Shackled City: 2/11
2007: 0/0
2008: 0/0
2009: 2/1
2010: 1/1
2011: 1/0
2012: 4/1
2013: 1/1
2014: 0/1
2015: 0/1
2016: 2/3
2017: 0/0
2018: 0/0
2019: 0/0
2020: 0/0
2021: 0/0

Age of Worms: 1/15
2007: 0/0
2008: 0/0
2009: 0/0
2010: 1/1
2011: 0/0
2012: 4/0
2013: 3/3
2014: 3/2
2015: 0/0
2016: 1/2
2017: 3/2
2018: 0/2
2019: 0/1
2020: 0/0
2021: 0/1

Savage Tide: 3/23
2007: 1/0
2008: 2/1
2009: 0/0
2010: 0/1
2011: 3/0
2012: 2/1
2013: 3/1
2014: 3/2
2015: 2/3
2016: 1/5
2017: 2/2
2018: 1/1
2019: 1/2
2020: 2/0
2021: 0/1

Rise of the Runelords: 19/239
2007: 1/0
2008: 1/0
2009: 1/0
2010: 7/3
2011: 8/4
2012: 21/23
2013: 35/15
2014: 43/34
2015: 36/35
2016: 22/29
2017: 20/24
2018: 25/17
2019: 8/20
2020: 10/14
2021: 0/1

Curse of the Crimson Throne: 15/105
2007: 0/0
2008: 3/1
2009: 1/2
2010: 3/0
2011: 7/4
2012: 12/8
2013: 16/11
2014: 10/4
2015: 8/10
2016: 7/9
2017: 8/7
2018: 9/14
2019: 8/8
2020: 13/10
2021: 0/2

Second Darkness: 3/34
2008: 0/0
2009: 0/0
2010: 2/0
2011: 2/1
2012: 4/4
2013: 4/1
2014: 6/4
2015: 3/3
2016: 5/2
2017: 5/5
2018: 1/5
2019: 0/4
2020: 2/2
2021: 0/0

Legacy of Fire: 5/51
2008: 0/0
2009: 4/1
2010: 4/2
2011: 6/2
2012: 12/11
2013: 7/10
2014: 4/3
2015: 1/3
2016: 5/3
2017: 3/5
2018: 1/1
2019: 0/2
2020: 4/3
2021: 0/0

Council of Thieves: 1/30
2008: 0/0
2009: 1/0
2010: 1/0
2011: 4/1
2012: 5/2
2013: 6/7
2014: 5/10
2015: 4/3
2016: 2/2
2017: 2/2
2018: 0/1
2019: 0/1
2020: 0/0
2021: 0/0

Kingmaker: 16/191
2009: 0/0
2010: 14/2
2011: 15/6
2012: 27/25
2013: 32/26
2014: 19/17
2015: 27/24
2016: 13/16
2017: 17/16
2018: 13/14
2019: 10/16
2020: 2/10
2021: 2/1

Serpent's Skull: 4/56
2009: 0/0
2010: 7/1
2011: 7/7
2012: 7/5
2013: 3/4
2014: 10/12
2015: 9/6
2016: 7/8
2017: 1/4
2018: 1/1
2019: 1/3
2020: 3/1
2021: 0/0

Carrion Crown: 9/132
2010: 0/0
2011: 23/12
2012: 23/17
2013: 21/16
2014: 20/22
2015: 11/13
2016: 15/13
2017: 8/11
2018: 9/10
2019: 0/4
2020: 2/3
2021: 0/2

Jade Regent: 8/90
2010: 0/0
2011: 13/2
2012: 13/12
2013: 14/18
2014: 11/12
2015: 9/10
2016: 9/4
2017: 8/8
2018: 4/8
2019: 3/4
2020: 5/3
2021: 1/0

Skull & Shackles: 6/84
2010: 0/0
2011: 2/2
2012: 24/11
2013: 20/18
2014: 15/15
2015: 8/8
2016: 6/6
2017: 4/8
2018: 4/6
2019: 1/2
2020: 0/2
2021: 0/0

Shattered Star: 7/45
2011: 0/0
2012: 13/4
2013: 9/9
2014: 4/4
2015: 0/3
2016: 5/4
2017: 2/2
2018: 4/1
2019: 5/5
2020: 3/5
2021: 0/1

Reign of Winter: 14/97
2012: 0/0
2013: 28/13
2014: 20/20
2015: 10/10
2016: 10/9
2017: 7/10
2018: 11/7
2019: 7/9
2020: 3/4
2021: 1/0

Wrath of the Righteous: 11/107
2012: 0/0
2013: 31/5
2014: 29/31
2015: 17/18
2016: 8/13
2017: 6/7
2018: 6/9
2019: 4/8
2020: 6/4
2021: 0/1

Mummy's Mask: 4/44
2013: 0/0
2014: 15/4
2015: 2/5
2016: 9/5
2017: 7/9
2018: 5/5
2019: 3/5
2020: 3/5
2021: 0/2

Iron Gods: 6/77
2013: 0/0
2014: 21/2
2015: 12/17
2016: 16/21
2017: 14/9
2018: 8/10
2019: 4/9
2020: 2/3
2021: 0/0

Giantslayer: 12/54
2014: 0/0
2015: 20/8
2016: 7/6
2017: 9/6
2018: 7/10
2019: 4/7
2020: 4/4
2021: 2/0

Hell's Rebels: 8/50
2014: 0/0
2015: 10/2
2016: 14/13
2017: 11/6
2018: 10/9
2019: 1/7
2020: 2/5
2021: 1/0

Hell's Vengeance: 3/19
2015: 0/0
2016: 8/4
2017: 2/5
2018: 2/3
2019: 1/0
2020: 6/4
2021: 0/0

Strange Aeons: 8/46
2014: 0/0
2015: 1/0
2016: 16/5
2017: 12/12
2018: 7/6
2019: 9/8
2020: 1/6
2021: 0/1

Ironfang Invasion: 13/35
2016: 0/0
2017: 21/7
2018: 7/8
2019: 4/5
2020: 3/2
2021: 0/0

Ruins of Azlant: 7/25
2016: 0/0
2017: 13/1
2018: 5/7
2019: 1/5
2020: 6/3
2021: 0/2

War for the Crown: 6/23
2017: 0/0
2018: 11/5
2019: 4/4
2020: 8/6
2021: 0/2

Return of the Runelords: 4/8
2017: 0/0
2018: 3/1
2019: 4/1
2020: 1/1
2021: 0/1

Tyrant's Grasp: 4/9
2018: 0/0
2019: 7/2
2020: 2/1
2021: 0/2

Age of Ashes: 5/15
2018: 0/0
2019: 8/4
2020: 7/5
2021: 0/1

Extinction Curse: 5/7
2019: 0/0
2020: 7/2
2021: 0/0

Agents of Edgewatch: 1/2
2019: 0/0
2020: 2/1
2021: 0/0



Thanks for that

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