Getting power to the labs (spoilers)

Iron Gods

Scarab Sages

Hi all - I've been running an Iron Gods game on my forums off and on for a few years now, and my players are getting deeper into Book 3. They've finished going through the wreck of the Aurora and have recovered the labs. One of the players, who I've been allowing to train into Technomancer, is overjoyed.

Of course, the first problem is restoring power. From what I gather, the facility itself takes 20 charges/month, and the labs themselves take 50 or 150 charges/day (depending on the lab). By this point, should the PCs have come across a power source that can help with this? I've been going back through all of my notes but so far all I can find is:

- They got the Power Relay in book 1, but need something within 150 miles of the Aurora to source the power from.
- They have the reactor below Torch, but as far as I gather all of its current power is dedicated to just keeping it running and safe.
- No source of power really is found in Book 2
- In Book 3, later on, they will find the power generator in the Choking Tower, but deactivating it is part of getting rid of Xoud so I'm not sure if they'll end up taking advantage of it. Could allow the player to craft his own after studying it maybe?
- In Book 4 I see there is a geothermal power source that maybe they can use, haven't measured the distance yet

Am I missing anything obvious? I know they can just use batteries but those will be gone through quickly with the labs. I don't want my player to waste feats on Crafting if that's not gonna be feasible till Book 4-5. Curious what other GMs or groups have gone through and how they've achieved power to these first labs.

Personally, my players have found the shuttle aboard the Dusklight which happens to be powered by solar panels and they can hook this up to a lab using a power relay to provide a steady source of power, at least during the day.

On the other hand, they 'recharged' the aurora using multiple charges of lightning bolt which fried basically everything and then they detonated the ruins with explosives just to be sure. So no labs for them yet...

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