First time GM - what rules do I absolutely have to know?.

Paizo General Discussion

Hi All. I’m scheduled to run my first pathfinder society scenario in two weeks. I have been playing 2e for a few months now, but am far from system mastery. What aspects of the game do I need to understand thoroughly before going in? Thanks!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If you have been playing a few months you should be fine. You will already know all about the action system, multi attack penalties, movement, skill checks etc (If there is a skill you've never used then looking it up won't hurt). The Pathfinder Society scenarios list all the DCs in them and obviously check the rules recording any creature's special abilities.

Here are a few things that might make things go smoother:

Read the section on Hero Points. It is very easy to forget about them while you are juggling everything else in your head so having something/someone remind you can be helpful.

Look through the organised play guide so you know what to do with Treasure Bundles, reporting, reputation etc.

Have something handy which lists the conditions. If your playing over the internet there is probably some user created content covering these for whichever virtual table top you are using.

Make sure you know the Death and Dying rules. It is probably the one part of the game that you need to get right immediately because players will get shirty if you don't know it.

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