An appreciation of Will Chase

Paizo General Discussion

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It was announced earlier that Will is leaving Paizo on October 30.

Will was one of the first Paizo employees I met. I’m not sure when this was, but he and I would chat every PaizoCon, going back to the very first one I attended. Maybe it was surprise that some long haired hippy with a beard wanted to talk to the guy who ran the warehouse; maybe it was curiosity that the same guy just kept talking to him over the weekend. Maybe it was the whiskey consumed in the bar. I’m guessing it was the whiskey.

Will would stop and chat with everyone. His quick smile, the glint in his eyes, and easy laugh made him someone I would always go out of my way to introduce people to. Over the years this group of people expanded exponentially. To the point where a small Cult of Will grew organically. Kinda like a mushroom colony.

My favorite memory of Will is from a PaizoCon past. The banquet specifically. So there is Jeff Alvarez at the door when six nords from Minnesota walk up.
“Hi Jeff.”
“Oh, hey jon. How many do you have?”
“Full pull. Six.”
Starts scanning the room. “Well there is Person X, or Person Y, or Will’s table–“
“We’ll sit with Will!”

I will neither confirm nor deny that evening that I violated around six WA state laws, “sang” ‘I’m a Little Tea Pot’ at the top of my lungs ($20 bucks is $20), “Will, you want a beer?l “Sure, I’ll have a...” “AJ, cough.” glugglugglug. “Here you go, Will.” “Oh my god, I’m gonna get in so much trouble.”

He never did. I didn’t and still don’t believe him when he told me years later that the hotel floor manager told him to throw me out if I continued to f**@ up, or that someone at Paizo thought Will was responsible for my antics. He was not. As Jack likes to say, “Have you met jon?!”

spoiler twee:
I won’t tell you about the time I almost made him cry.

May the road rise to meet you, Will. Conventions will not be the same without you grumbling about someone f!&!ing up the pallet load outs. You and yours will always have a home wherever I reside. My door will always be open. Now, and until I shuffle off the mortal coil.

I will miss you.


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