Need to Borrow a Ready-to-Play 11th Level Bard

Organized Play General Discussion

Anyone have a character they'd be willing to share? I'm dropping in for a guest appearance in a homegame Age of Ashes session tonight and don't have time to build this character.

Optimized, non-optimized...whatever you've got would be appreciated!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Obviously posting this a day late, but for future reference, I'd recommend Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Another day later; I find the NPC Codex handy for last-minute characters as well. It contains (15-point buy) characters from levels 1-20 for all of the Core classes. If they are a little too weak just move up to the next level character.


Kevin Willis wrote:
Another day later; I find the NPC Codex handy for last-minute characters as well. It contains (15-point buy) characters from levels 1-20 for all of the Core classes. If they are a little too weak just move up to the next level character.

A good suggestion, but Age of Ashes is 2E.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Sigh. That’s what I get for posting tired.

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