Adventure where you play familiars / animals - help needed


Dark Archive

Hey, guys.

I seem to recall that I've read an adventure published in Dungeon Magazine in which you play a bunch of familiars. Now, perhaps that was just a hallucination :) but I'd appreciate if any of you could help me out - is there in fact a low-level adventure with that theme? Perhaps not in Dungeon but somewhere else?

thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Could it be this: e-by-richard-pett/

Dark Archive

Nope. I didn't even know this exists. But I do now and I'll use it in some way. Thanks!

Btw, my PCs are in Zobeck and they have one valravn (awakened raven) familiar, a cat sidhe and a lantern archont who will probably became familiars. I want to run a short adventure with them in mind, but city-based.

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