Connecting Plaguestone and the Slithering [SPOILERS x2]


My players just started playing Plaguestone, and already they're appreciating the depth of a bigger adventure over the one-shot PFS scenarios. It's likely we'll be taking the same characters from this adventure onto the next - and only - other PF2 adventure available, The Slithering.

Plaguestone takes them to level 4, and The Slithering starts at Level 5, so there's room for some adventures in between. Almost any of the PFS scenarios could fit in there, but I'm more concerned with their justification for travelling so far. While I could, as GM, just say "You're now in Kibwe", I think they'd prefer if it happened naturally as part of an ongoing story.

The adventures do have elements in common, in the form of oozes, so my first thought is that something in Vilree's lair tells them of a connection that leads them to Kibwe.

Was Vilree working for the Aspis Consortium? Was she involved in the creation of the Slithering?

I don't want to spoil the story of the Slithering by giving them information too early. On the other hand, there's a tendency for Paizo adventures to contain more back-story than the players will ever discover, and this connection could help add to both adventures if it gives people more motivation and depth.

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I planted an opportunity before my players even started FoP. On the same bulletin board that they learned about Bort’s caravan, I also had a flyer recruiting crew members aboard a ship setting sail for Absalom and then on to ports in Mwangi...

After FoP, I had my players travel to Absalom with the Tamli and the caravan so she could find more lucrative trade work. While there the players took a field commission by the pathfinders and I ran PFS module 1-08 (or maybe it was 1-07, which ever one takes place in Absalom) and then I ran 1-04, Bandits of Immenwood. I had Tamli's wagons replace the wagons in the mod and used the plot hook item of that module to get the PCs interested in heading to Kibwe and the Mwangi Expanse. Then I ran the tavern brawl PFS quest to high light them getting around the pirate blockade and everyone leveled to lvl 5 just as they are arriving to Kibwe.

If people are interested I can expand on what I did and the plot hooks, this is just a super short summary.

closetgamer wrote:
I planted an opportunity before my players even started FoP. On the same bulletin board that they learned about Bort’s caravan, I also had a flyer recruiting crew members aboard a ship setting sail for Absalom and then on to ports in Mwangi...

I ran FoP well before getting to see the slithering, but if the orc alchemist who made the ooze escapes he could be a reoccurring bad guy, possibly seen again in The Slithering....

Frank Williams 624 wrote:
closetgamer wrote:
I planted an opportunity before my players even started FoP. On the same bulletin board that they learned about Bort’s caravan, I also had a flyer recruiting crew members aboard a ship setting sail for Absalom and then on to ports in Mwangi...
I ran FoP well before getting to see the slithering, but if the orc alchemist who made the ooze escapes he could be a reoccurring bad guy, possibly seen again in The Slithering....

Sent you a PM for more detailed info on how you ran things from Fall of Palaguestone leading into the beginning of The Slithering and any changes you made. Thanks in advance.

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