AcP Questions

Pathfinder Society

So originally I thought they were 4 pts per scenario, yet recently at a convention I did online I earned 6 instead, and there's one game I did online that doesnt have any listed. Dhould that one game have given them, and how many does one receive for an Age of Ashes AP?

4/5 ****

Base is 1AcP per xp.

GMing is *2
Premier events are *1.25
Premier Plus events are *1.5

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

So to answer your question about Age of Ashes -

If you played a book, you should receive 12 AcP.

If you GM'ed a book, you should receive 24 AcP.


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Don't get discouraged that some of your games are currently not showing the proper amount of AcP, this is something the team is working on correcting. Now if the system goes live and you still have issues, then I would bring it to attention, but I highly suspect that there will be a BIG announcement when it does, and a place where you can discuss discrepancies.

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