SFS 2-22 Map Question

Starfinder Society

The map in this adventure has a 5' grid but everything looks drawn for the 10' darker squares.

Is it just me?
which one is the intended grid?


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I think it's a 5' grid, just awkwardwarly drawn. The description of the area mentions tiled floors.

If you use a 10' grid,

then the lights don't sufficiently cover the golem. The way the encounter seems supposed to go is that players, flabbergasted by the invisible enemy, throw some AoE effects, perhaps the grenades they got from the engineer, and that breaks the lights and makes the golem partially visible. That's why the lights have hardness and HP. Also, the mission briefing pushes you to focus on the engineer because she should be the most important to your permit application - and she's the gone who'll give you grenades if you win her over.

Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I think it's a 5' grid, just awkwardwarly drawn. The description of the area mentions tiled floors.

If you use a 10' grid, ** spoiler omitted **

Thanks, it makes sense that way.

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