Severely Disappointed, Now Just Looking for Help

PaizoCon General Discussion

Grand Lodge

So, this year’s PaizoCon was on Twitch, the panels & Q&As & announcements. But on Twitch I couldn’t navigate PaizoCon at all. Maybe Twitch is user friendly to younger people but I was exhaustively frustrated, then just angry: PaizoCon panels, Q&As and announcements were theoretically right there and I couldn’t find anything useful.

So I’ve waited for someone to put it on YouTube.

On YouTube I’ve watched — and thoroughly enjoyed — the ‘Pathfinder Adventures’ panel. But what I’m looking for is the announcement and discussion of the AP coming out after ‘Agents of Edgewatch.’

Can someone please, PLEASE, provide a link to the PaizoCon event that announced and discussed the Feb ‘21–July ‘21 AP? Thanks in advance.

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Here is the panel on adventures.

Starship Operations and beyond.

Pathfinder RPG Q&A

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Kingmaker Discussion.

I'm not sure what problem you ran into. There wasn't really any "navigating." You just went to Paizo's official Twitch channel and all the panels ran there live one after another.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Adventure Path Design panel has been uploaded to YouTube yet. A couple of the panels have just gone up in the last few days, however, so hopefully it will be available next week.

I don't know if any of those links have what you're looking for as I haven't listened to them yet but those most likely have the answers you seek, at least of what they've uploaded to their YouTube channel).

Good luck!

On one hand, there's a post linking to "the panel on adventures". On the other, another poster is saying it hasn't been uploaded yet. On the third hand, a lot of links have been provided.

So which is it?

What is the one and definitive answer to the OP's question: please "provide a link to the PaizoCon event that announced and discussed the Feb ‘21–July ‘21 AP". Thx.

I honestly don't know, I chose to build a sturdier bookcase that can hold all my Paizo books without collapsing.

Someone else can listen to them and figure it out.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Adventure Path Design Panel This is the panel that annuonced the new PF APs and Starfinders as well.

Currently Know Direction has the audio only posted. The panel hasn’t made it to YouTube yet.

Marketing & Media Manager

Thanks for your patience. Payton put in long hours to make PaizoCon happen and then took a week off. All the PaizoCon videos should now be on YouTube for easy access. A seminar or two might not have made it due to tech recording issues. Adventures Ahead!

Grand Lodge

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Payton put in long hours to make PaizoCon happen and then took a week off.


Ah, that's totally understandable, makes perfect sense.

Well, I've wrestled with Twitch and can't find it. Thanks for the audio version, Justin, perhaps it will have to do. I just wish it were on YouTube; alas it's not yet there.

Again, thanks for your answers, guys.

This ought to be a direct link to the AP Design panel on Twitch. It works for me, anyway.

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