Mummy's Mask: Mummify Self too strong?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

There isn't a 'right' answer to this question, but I'm curious what other people think.

I've been playing through Mummy's Mask and am on Adventure 4 with Yoon (panelementalist) and Alahazra (explore focused). We're doing pretty well and have been using an extra location deck for a minor difficulty boost. For the last 5 scenarios or so I've been using the Mummify Self card:

Mummify Self wrote:

Display this card next to a character's deck. While displayed, add 1 die to her checks that invoke the Mummy trait, and reduce Poison damage dealt to her to 0; she may bury a card to add 1d6 and the Cold trait to her combat and Wisdom checks.

At the end of the scenario, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card.

This card has been very strong for me so far. My playstyle is to recharge blessings to explore often, and cycle through my deck with cures (3). So I'm able to reliably find Mummify Self in the first few turns.

Once displayed, I get several bonuses - including nullifying all poison damage for the rest of the scenario! In Mummy's Mask, poison damage is designed to be a significant threat - not all armor protects against it, it is often dealt before/after combat, and it causes a scourge if not reduced. Adding a die to Mummy checks and sometimes helping with combat is just gravy.

It's gotten to the point where it feels kind of cheap. While displayed, it doesn't take a spot in my hand, and the deck thinning is potentially even a good thing.

What do other people think? Is this card 'too' strong? It's promotional, so perhaps not as well-balanced as the rest of the cards? I added it in with adventure deck 3, which is (I think) where it came when I ordered the cards originally.

Aren't most promo cards kind of above the power curve? I've never played with any but from looking at them I get that impression.

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That exactly : promo cards usually break balance. if you want to play with them, you should increase the difficulty one way or another.

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