VTT Paizo Pawn Token Sets, Please!

Paizo Products

Dark Archive

Since VTTs are becoming more main stream I would love to see official pawn sets from Paizo designed for token use online. I would definitely pay so I could use them without having to create them myself first. Add it to my Paizo Christmas list!

If you buy the Bestiary for Fantasy Grounds, you get a token for almost every monster.

Dark Archive

Penthau wrote:
If you buy the Bestiary for Fantasy Grounds, you get a token for almost every monster.

That's cool, but I'm using Foundry. Would like a set I could use with any system though.

I too think this would be rad, as it can take upwards of an hour each week just to put together tokens for upcoming sessions on my own.

Grand Lodge

Yea more VTT support would be awesome. We can buy the PDF but a zip of the images would be really useful

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Agreed on all of this!

I'm a Maptool user, and I'd chime in agreeing, too. Yeah, I can extract the images from the PDFs and do it myself, but I'm basically lazy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What's one more product? I think Paizo could make a lot of money off this idea.

I would be quite interested in this as well.

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