How do I post a review of a scenario?

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I'm sorry if it's a really easy answer in that there's just a button I'm missing, but I can't figure out how to review a scenario.

I'm trying to post a review for a Starfinder scenario and I can't figure out how. Is there a qualification I need to be able to post a review or some other criteria? I'm just wondering how to do it.

Thank you for the help, my apologies if this is the wrong place for this post.

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What happens when you click on "Product Reviews"? There should be a link for writing a review under that.

Grand Lodge

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David knott 242 wrote:

What happens when you click on "Product Reviews"? There should be a link for writing a review under that.

Ah I see it now. For whatever reason, all I could see were the actual reviews, not a place to write my own. Thank you!

Grand Lodge

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Thank you for reviewing scenarios and making the campaign better!


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