Hero-Point System, with a different cost?

Homebrew and House Rules

Grand Lodge

Recently played through an AP with Hero Points, wherein we were also able to sacrifice Experience earned (based on level) to gain more as well. I will now be hosting another AP and wanted to implement this type of idea, but i also abhor using EXP and prefer using an AP's recommended levels / base levels on where i feel the group need to be before an area.

My immediate thought is to use Con Damage or Drain as a feature of this, or temporary negative levels they might be able to save against at the end of the day in lieu of EXP, wherein they could take a negative level for the opportunity. Not sure about how this might scale, or level 1 implementation. Maybe at level 1 it should be con damage anyway, since it should be less penalizing early on as they might need it then?
Otherwise a type of penalty that is slowly returned to normal over time that isn't something that can recovered through traditional magic such as via restorations. Maybe a permanent penalty to an attribute most related to the thing they're using hero points for that must be removed through some other means..

Kind of all over the place and not really sure what i really want here... A hero point system that isn't actually a pool drawn from but rather a costly endeavor that the players always have as an option if they feel they have no other choice but to draw upon.

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