fungus among us (spoilers)

Iron Gods

How did your party deal with the Cerebric Fungus? Considering it's NOT evil and just hungry, did anyone try just feeding it (either with rations or create food and water?), and how did it react?

My group (I dub them the Planar Party since everyone went Aasimar or Tiefling. Wound up with 1 android as a 5th player... everyone has darkvision. Even the clockwork moose the construct rider alchemist has!) befriended it. Lots of discussion, questions, and conversation. Considering it went so voraciously for the blood in the AP as written, I had it act like it was more into fresh/raw meat and blood than it was dried foods. You don't see mushrooms in dry environments after all, the moisture was key. Create Water was cast, someone pasted up some rations in it (prestidigitation heated the water up to a hot but comfortable temperature and flavored it like blood), and fed the thing until it was full. Because it acts child-like, one of the party (Jeshka) named it Beska, and has promised to come down and feed it, hopefully help it grow and be able to leave. They did some diplomacy checks, most failed the will save against Detect Thoughts that it always has going, and it got a lot of conversation.

Then they left and have been gone for nearly 2 days helping Khonnir out. It's probably not gonna be happy when they get back.

They started talking to him immediately so he did not attack them, though i played him as super creepy with a gibbous voice that rings in their skulls, constantly expressing his desire for "more juice!"

my players are more explorers than they are warriors and upon learning that he refused to leave the room, they named him "Slushie" and scavenged some bloodpacks from the medical bay to feed him

They also baited the Boilborn into the same room as "Slushie"

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