Lost Omens Gods and Magic release date?

Paizo Products

Does anyone know when this book will come out? Been checking FLGS with no luck and Amazon is saying April... I thought it was out or almost out?

Scarab Sages

It released last week.

store link

archmagi1 wrote:

It released last week.

store link

It says that but again don't see it at gaming stores or on Amazon...

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Well, it is definitely out.

Questions of whether your local store didn't order it, didn't receive it on time due to some shipping issues, ordered it, but sold them already, etc, are things that you'd need to ask the FLGS, not things anyone on this forum can tell you.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Our February products shipped to distributors later than usual because of a delay in customs, so it's possible that some retailers didn't get it prior to the release date. And when one of our products doesn't arrive by the time Amazon in particular expects it to, they usually respond by making up a new release date that has no apparent connection with reality, which they correct once the actual books arrive.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Our February products shipped to distributors later than usual because of a delay in customs, so it's possible that some retailers didn't get it prior to the release date. And when one of our products doesn't arrive by the time Amazon in particular expects it to, they usually respond by making up a new release date that has no apparent connection with reality, which they correct once the actual books arrive.

Got it, thanks!

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