(Spoiler) The Revenge of Voz Lirayne

Age of Ashes

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

After defeating Voz, my party bundled her up and sent her off her prison in another town - not really wanting her anywhere near Breachill anymore.

However, a couple of my players really enjoyed her personality and mentioned hoping she makes another appearance some time. So - since it also bothers me that the elves in book 2 just happen to have Eclipse, I've opted to change up a few things.

I decided that in her extensive research, Voz managed to locate and acquire Eclipse, and hid it before her capture. Of course she managed to escape from the authorities (silly PCs shouldn't have taken their eyes off her) and recover Eclipse; she is now plotting her revenge. After book 2, I plan to have Voz lure the PCs out into the wilds with castings of nightmare, where she will have a little trap set for them.

She's managed to recruit some undead allies - four wraiths, a dullahan, and a greater shadow. She's set the wraiths as advance guards in the hopes that the PCs will get tangled up fighting them, giving her time to buff and get in position. Then she plans on attacking alongside the dullahan, but holding the greater shadow in reserve for if things go badly.

Anyway, all of this is buildup to say: here is a statblock for Voz, advanced to 10th level with the help of monster.pf2.tools - a site I highly recommend for monster building - complete with tactics and a custom magic item to spice things up.

For anyone planning to steal this encounter - its important that you manage introducing the various creatures carefully. The XP is balanced under the assumption that the wraiths are a separate encounter and Voz doesn't attack until they are dispatched (say she is waiting for the PCs to let their guard down). In the same way, Voz shouldn't bring in the greater shadow until the first "phase" of the fight is finished and the PCs have defeated the dullahan - in this case, if the PCs are still caught up fighting the dullahan, Voz just takes extra time patching herself up and getting ready to attack again.

Voz Lirayne's Revenge

Just be careful with the escaping bad guy. If the party thinks that every bad guy they capture will just escape that removes the option of handing them over to the authorities, in their minds. I would have the escape be a huge deal in some way.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kennethray wrote:
Just be careful with the escaping bad guy. If the party thinks that every bad guy they capture will just escape that removes the option of handing them over to the authorities, in their minds. I would have the escape be a huge deal in some way.

I'm well aware. I only brought her back because, as I said, the party has literally been hoping aloud that she comes back. :)

Liberty's Edge

i too am using Voz as a returning villain, But in my game when the party had no idea it was her and they captured and imprisoned Calmont. She snuck in and killed him making it look like suicide (hanging). Later when they encountered her in the cave I made the zombie in that encounter an undead Calmont (no stat change). Then when the party captured her I had another player's high powered villain bail her out to spite the party. Then while the party is away in the jungle, she has murdered Alek who the party has grown to like. Now, when the party returns from the jungle victorious they will discover what she has done (it should be a gut punch). They will put Alek in the vault with honors. Later that night, she will animate him and he will deliver a message (via her voice coming out of his slack jaw) telling the party that Alek was just her initiation bid to get into the Scarlet Triad. That should help motivate the party.

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