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Has anyone given this a shot, or thought about how it could be done?
It's been a topic a bit with my players, who aren't really into 2E yet but they keep asking me if I have plans to convert.
2E definitely has appeal for me, for example because things like saving throws seem much more evenly spread between classes. Also, some of the NPC builds in Iron Gods are painfully bad but rebuilding 1E NPCs is a ton of work. 2E might make that a lot better.

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Lord Fyre had a thread, [Technology] "The Wires Behind The Magic", in 2016 where we slowly deduced the rules for designing technological itmes under PF1 rules. I would need to know more about PF2 magic items before I could adapt the technological items to PF2 rules.
I ran the Iron Gods adventure path, so I am familiar with it. A few NPCs, such as Hetuath, are too deadly, but I don't recall any that are painfully bad. My players derailed the plot a lot, so maybe we skipped them.
I have been converting the Ironfang Invasion adventure path to PF2. Iron Gods would be more difficult. I can find the Ironfang Invasion creatures, or reasonable substitutes in the PF2 Bestiary. Robots, in contrast, are missing. Vegepygmies are missing. Gunslingers, such as the Smiler gang, are missing.

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I'm currently in book 4 and I've made several changes that I think made Iron Gods in PF1 run more smoothly:
- Dropped the Technologist feat, but require 5 ranks in a skill to be able to handle tech with it. The AP traits offset this requirement for specific use cases.
- Used Automatic Bonus Progression so that WBL is less an issue. The AP is pretty sparing with regular magical treasure.
- Been a lot more liberal with non-timeworn magic.
One of the more interesting moments was when they ran into a golem on a side adventure and realized that while magic was ineffective, energy weapons worked extremely well.

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I had made my own changes to improve use of technology, listed at Going Wild with Technology. Ascalaphus has seen the list, since he commented on March 15, 2017.
The timeworn restriction is extreme. A timeworn device is totally unchargeable, even Recharge cannot recharge it. And it can be removed only by Wish or Miracle. I made it removeable by Greater Make Whole, though in retrospect that was too easy.
In Pathfinder 2nd Edition, we have the Mending spell and the Repair action.
Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal
Cast 10 minutes (somatic, verbal)
Range touch; Targets non-magical object of light Bulk or less
You repair the target item. You restore 5 Hit Points per spell level to the target, potentially removing the broken condition if this repairs it past the item’s Broken Threshold. You can’t replace lost pieces or repair an object that’s been completely destroyed.
Heightened (2nd) You can target a non-magical object of 1 Bulk or less.
Heightened (3rd) You can target a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less.
Likewise, Repair fixes only hit-point damage, too. Thus, it is easy to rule that Mending and Repair cannot fix the timeworn condition. My own preference is that repairing timeworn would require a Technological Crafting feat and a technology lab. PF2 requires a formula, which would be tough to acquire, for crafting though not the repair action. Requiring a formula for removing timeworn would be appropriate. I regularly let the character Boffin use her computer skills to find online manuals. I modeled computer skills as ranks in Linguistics to learn Androffan Programming Language--an inside joke because Boffin's player knew APL, A Programming Language. In PF2 we could make that a Lore skill.

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I think the original authorial intent behind "Timeworn" was that it enabled GMs to insert a tech item as a cute treasure that will eventually go away again. There are plenty of helpful hints in the AP books about "what if you do/don't want your players to craft tech stuff" that are in the same vein.
I hadn't thought about crafting formulas for tech items being a big thing but that's an interesting idea.
APL Lore ♥