Ran first session of Hellknight Hill today

Age of Ashes

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As per the subject, after running two PFS scenarios for my group to get used to 2nd edition, today we dove into Age of Ashes, and I have to say I *really* like 2nd edition!

That said, things did not go great for my players due to some extraordinarily poor dice rolling on their part.

The very first encounter at Citadel Altearein (the goblin dogs almost turned into a TPK. The cleric was the first to go down (never a good start), followed by the sorcerer and the bard, leaving the monk fighting off 3 injured goblin dogs. I fudged a few die-rolls in the PC's favor to avoid taking them all out and potentially souring them on the new edition.

Eventually, with 2 remaining goblin dog, the monk realized that if he flurried with his first action, then moved away twice, it would need 2 actions to reach him, meaning he could get in twice as many attacks each round until he killed it. He did have to run outside and quite a ways from the entrance to accomplish this, of course.

Overall, even though it didn't go swimmingly for the PCs the players enjoyed themselves and left with a positive impression about 2nd edition and excitement about getting deeper into AoA.

Granted it's only one session, but as far as I'm concerned, 2E and AoA look like another Critical Hit from the Paizo team! (For my table at least)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
coyotegospel wrote:

As per the subject, after running two PFS scenarios for my group to get used to 2nd edition, today we dove into Age of Ashes, and I have to say I *really* like 2nd edition!

That said, things did not go great for my players due to some extraordinarily poor dice rolling on their part.
** spoiler omitted **

Overall, even though it didn't go swimmingly for the PCs the players enjoyed themselves and left with a positive impression about 2nd edition and excitement about getting deeper into AoA.

Granted it's only one session, but as far as I'm concerned, 2E and AoA look like another Critical Hit from the Paizo team! (For my table at least)

Well... that *is* a sever encounter.

my Players entered the room silently, so they’re starter “indifferent” , but curious, and they charmed and befriended them. Two of the three acted as scouts for most of that floor. I was very happy that they would do that. :P They have mostly done that for most of the “friendlies” encounter. The Paladin is now the mentor of two very excitable Kobolds! (They think he is a more powerful dragon than themselves)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Elfteiroh wrote:

Well... that *is* a sever encounter.

Fair point! I suppose I am only surprised because I’m still getting a grasp on just how severe *severe* means.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Severe encounters in PF2 are TPK territory. Tread lightly and carry a big stick. With runes on it. And spikes.

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