Captain Morgan |

So my players have talked down Yoletcha the bug bear (see blanket fort discussions in the Hellknight Hill thread) and allowed the surrender of one of the grave shells after killing its friend in a round. They then fed the papa warg to the gave shell. Next week they will meet the mama warg, and I'm not sure how that will go yet but I can't discount the possibility they come to peaceful terms with her. This is all well and good for now, but once the PCs become the owners of the castle, I'm not sure what will be done with the monsters. I suppose I could just leave that up my players, but I thought I'd open the floor for discussion on how plausible cohabiting with these monsters would be.
Would the party be able to repair the barracks, for example, without displacing Yoletcha and risking her ire? Should the party be able to rest safely knowing there is a bug bear under their roof, and should they allow workers into the site knowing there are maneating turtle things? Conversely, is there any room in the adventure for these beasts to help the PCs defend their home later?