Denim N Leather |
I hope this is the correct forum.
I have begun planning my next campaign and it's going to be Braunstein*-inspired. I think PF2 will be the perfect game system to run this in due to the robust Exploration and Downtime modes. Also, Lost Omens has so many great locations to choose from for starting in, as well as ready-made factions.
My first thought was "Absalom, obvs" since it's centrally located and has all those factions already at its fingertips. However, I think it may be a bit TOO big/hard to handle, cosmopolitan, and too centrally located.
So, what places are a bit more isolated, with harsher conditions?
Galt intrigues me because ... well, intrigue!
The Five Kings Mountains can also be a fun place to base the campaign around.
My second pick would probably be someplace waaay up north in the Saga Lands, where slow decisions could cost you your life..
Numera would be fun, also.
Or perhaps a high court in Qadira?
Curse you, James Jacobs, for your awesome world!! I can't decide!!
So, I ask you, gentle readers --
If you were going to start a Braunstein*-inspired campaign in the Lost Omens setting, a) where would you set it and b)why?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
* In case you don't know what I mean by Braunstein-inspired:
We base the campaign around a large town/small city. The PCs all have functions within the town and their own set of objectives. XP is earned through completing objectives, not necessarily combat (thought that may be a factor). The players do not know who the the other players at the table will portray until the campaign is underway; some may have goals aligned with you or against you. A catalyst event occurs to set things in motion and then the players shape the world around their actions. Diplomacy/intrigue heavy; combat ranges from individual duels to outright war.
Beavois |
A few ideas:
1. The city of Vyre in Ravounel. A place brimming over with intrigue, decadence, and subversion, in an unstable new nation surrounded by hostile powers.
2. Eurythnia in New Thassilon. A haven for exiles and misfits, ruled with a light touch by a risen ancient Runelord.
3. Kaer Maga in Varisia. Weird, unique, and full of factions.
4. Lepidstadt in Ustalav. Academica! Secret societies! Ancient Kellid mysteries! Conspiracies!
5. Pretty much any of the River Kingdoms -- maybe a new little one of your own creation. There's room.
Or somewhere in Galt...Galt would be good.