Some PbP campaign names trigger unwanted CSS

Website Feedback

For example, consider the now-defunct campaign called A Tiny Little Frozen Village. The campaign name gets printed into the document as part of the <main> tag, thus:

<main class="ctf online campaigns - a tiny little frozen village-ctf subtier"></main>

The entire contents of the document now have the class "tiny", a CSS class designed for use with the [smaller] BBCode tag. Thus, the fonts for the entire page render at size 0.8125rem, making them very difficult to read.

I'm not sure why the campaign name is being added as a class, but to avoid this kind of unexpected collision, I recommend adjusting your code to replace all the spaces in the campaign name with hyphens. Or, failing that, just don't add it in the first place.

Cheerfully submitted in the hopes that you will find this bizarre edge case amusing.

Paizo Employee Official Tech Team Response

Thanks for the post. We'll take a look at this.

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