COD Disrupting Shot

Rules Questions

The new operative exploit Disrupting Shot (COM 83) is listed as being available at 6th level. However, it mentions that you must have deactivating shot to choose this exploit. As far as I'm aware, deactivating shot is set as requiring 10th level in the Core Rulebook (page 96). Is there some errata that reduced that to 6th level, or is this a case of a logic error?

ParaheliZ wrote:
The new operative exploit Disrupting Shot (COM 83) is listed as being available at 6th level. However, it mentions that you must have deactivating shot to choose this exploit. As far as I'm aware, deactivating shot is set as requiring 10th level in the Core Rulebook (page 96). Is there some errata that reduced that to 6th level, or is this a case of a logic error?

perhaps they planned on giving it out as an operative specialty?

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