Lalochezic |

I wanted to clarify the rules of how an arcanist would cast their spells.
An arcanist casts arcane spells drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. An arcanist must prepare [their] spells ahead of time, but unlike a wizard, [their] spells are not expended when they’re cast. Instead, [they] can cast any spell that [they have] prepared consuming a spell slot of the appropriate level, assuming [they haven't] yet used up [their] spell slots per day for that level.
Okay so there are a few parts to this, the first being spell prep:
An arcanist must prepare [their] spells ahead of time...
Coming from playing a witch, I get how this mechanic is done (8-hr rest + 1-hr study of certain spells form spell book)
Second is the part that sets arcanists apart from wizards:
...but unlike a wizard, [their] spells are not expended when they’re cast.
So does that mean I can cast the same spell more than once per day?
The third part is the small-print to the above rule:
Instead, [they] can cast any spell that [they have] prepared consuming a spell slot of the appropriate level, assuming [they haven’t] yet used up [their] spell slots per day for that level
So I can cast the same spells for the amount of times equal to the number of spells I know per day?
Here's a scenario based on my understanding, so please correct me if I'm wrong
Let's say I have a level 4 arcanist. that means I've got:
- 6 cantrip spells/day
- 3 level-1 spells/day
- 1 level-2 spell/day
I'll skip over the what cantrip and level-2 spells I prepared and just focus on the level-3 spells. I prepare color spray, gravity bow, and mage armor.
The cantrip spells I prepared can be casted willy-nilly as many times a day based on another rule.
But it's a little different for my level-1 spell, right? Let's say I was at range for a combat. I cast gravity bow to shoot from afar but casted color spray to paralyze a mob. Because of the second part of the rule, I could cast color spray again on another mob that wants to have a go at me. However, because of the third part of the rule, I can't cast anymore level-1 spells.
Because of the restrictions on the number of spells I can cast/level, once I cast my level-2 spells, it's done for the day.
Is that right?