Abrogail II's parents and the family of Thrune

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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So I've recently been trying to untangle the family tree of house Thrune, and I'm looking for information on Abrogail II (the current queen)'s parents.

After Abrogail the first's death, rule fell to her son, Antonius. After that, Terthule, Antonius's cousin, became the ruler. This is somewhat interesting as this means rule has left Abrogail I's side of the family, falling to the progeny of one of her (as far as I know, unknown) siblings. The rule of Cheliax stayed on this side of the family with Carella (niece of Terthule) and Infrexus (cousin of Carella and possibly the son of Terthule).

I believe Abrogail II to be the granddaughter of Abrogail I (either the daughter of Antonius, or the daughter of one of his siblings), but does anyone have information that contradicts or confirms this?

Liberty's Edge

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Per 'Cheliax, The Infernal Empire' Abrogail II is the great-granddaughter of Abrogail I.

So it's a direct line (though there were a bunch of sidetracks along the way), but one more generation than you were thinking.

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Thanks! It’s nice to have confirmation Abrogail II is a direct descendant.

I’m also very curious as to who was Abrogail I’s sibling, since they did manage to get their child on the throne and that side of the family kept it for quite a while.

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It's established lore that House Thrune are strong proponents of revisionist history. They frequently alter, ban, and purge history books. While word-of-mouth oral history is a thing, disinformation is also a thing.

My point is that the waters are rather muddied when it comes to the lineage of the family. It's possible - if not canonically accurate - that the current queen isn't actually blood-related to any previous monarch. That's an extreme example, but really, I just wanted to illustrate that the propaganda factory has churned out so much material that it's hard for in-character citizens of the country to actually, factually know the truth. Even divination isn't reliable given there's that handy infernal contract with a literal god. Who knows if Iomedae's answers to commune are interfered with.

Just a little food for thought.

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