Forewarned is four-armed! [Kasatha question]

Iron Gods

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

From a Game Balance standpoint, how good is the extra pair of arms that a Kasatha has?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Not really that strong without ways to take extra actions.

Multiweapon fighting can be good but stat heavy to get past the -6 penalty on off hands and it is unclear if light weapons reduce the penalty further like with two weapon fighting and if multiweapon fighting counts as two-weapon fighting for qualifying for imp and greater Two-weapon fighting.

But always having a free hand allows you to dual wield mundane guns and crossbows more effectively than someone with two hands.

You would think a monk would be a no brainer but extra arms don't stack with flurry.

So the real power comes in wielding for one hand melee weapons or 4 tech firearms that don't need reloading and having full bab and a pumped str or dex to offset the penalties.

Finally there is the bow nomad archetype which is strong but doesn't feel like it fits into iron gods so much as a wilderness game since there are no tech bows.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

In my opinion it is incredibly strong because not only does it allow you to make multiple attacks with multiple weapons (even with significant minuses you can always roll a 20) but it also allows you to make use of what having multiple arms makes a character good in Starfinder. You can always have a potion or scroll or other item in an off hand and various other methods of making PC action economy even better than it already is.

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