GameMastery vs Classic PDF


Just curious.
I'm thinking of buying PDF's for the maps I need and print them out myself.
#1A uses Flip Mat Classics: Ancient Dungeon, but there's also GameMastery Flip-Mat: Ancient Dungeon that's an older out of print version. Is there any difference to the PDF versions of these products since the PDF for the older one is cheaper?

Flip-Mat Classics are just reprints of old Flip-Mats that have sold out; the maps should be identical.

Usually, the PDF of the old one becomes unavailable once the Classic has been released. If you can still order the old one at the lower price, you'd better snatch it up before they notice. ;)

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

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Joana wrote:

Flip-Mat Classics are just reprints of old Flip-Mats that have sold out; the maps should be identical.

Usually, the PDF of the old one becomes unavailable once the Classic has been released. If you can still order the old one at the lower price, you'd better snatch it up before they notice. ;)

Quickly now, their eyes are everywhere!



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Oups... :)

Nothing to see here, move on...

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