Strange Issues with missing sessions 2019-08-26

Website Feedback

Sovereign Court

I have a couple of sessions that seem to be missing from my "sessions" page. OR I cannot see the sessions anywhere.

My Org Play ID is 18615.

1) 2-00 Fate of the Scoured God from "Gencon 2019 Organized Play - Starfinder Society" Event 2694469 Session 128, I get the following message but cannot see the duplicated session: "Player has already run scenario at session # 94 of event # 2694469 Gencon Organized Play- Starfinder Society on August 2, 2019."

2) For Character 18615-711, 1-99 Scoured Stars Invasion from "Outpost II" Event 2691381 Session 72, I can see the session listed under the character, but I cannot see it in the Session list.

Any idea what the issue is?

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