Monster attack rule question (minor spoiler)

Age of Ashes

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi everyone,

My players yesterday encountered the Grauladon, and we all came to a friendly disagreement about how one of it's attacks works.

The attack in question is this one:

Body Slam; Requirements: More than one enemy is adjacent to the grauladon.; Effect: The grauladon swings its tail at each adjacent enemy and attempts to Trip each creature adjacent to it. It rolls only a single Athletics check and compares the result to the Fortitude DC of each target.

Now, normally a Trip action is Athletics vs Reflex DC, but we played it against Fortitude like the attack says. The confusion came when I rolled a critical success for this attack. A normal trip would have caused 1d6 bludgeoning to everyone in that regard, but the players were adamant it wasn't a normal trip action and so no damage should be applied, unless the attack itself mentioned a critical success effect.

I'm fairly certain the damage should have applied, but I also had to consider what if the Body Slam roll was a critical failure? Does the Grauladon fall prone? What if it only critically failed against one of it's targets?

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If it says attempt to Trip then it would use the Trip success/failure table, regardless if it targets a different DC. The only exception would be if it provided its own table to use instead, which it doesn't.

If it rolled a critical failure on any trip attempts, I assume it would fall prone.

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