keftiu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. | an anti-slaver group. It makes for a pretty sensible expansion of their “recover those who have been kidnapped” mission, establishes a Hellknight foothold in the region now that the Order of the Coil is presumably persona non grata, gives a diminished Order a new lease on life, allows PCs to be Hellknights without being Evil, and makes for interesting local politics. Any thoughts? Any info on these guys I should hunt down?
David knott 242 |
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On the other hand, I could see a small group of Hellknights from a larger and not particularly evil order heading down to Vidrian with the express purpose of taking out the Order of the Coil and then follow that up with hunting down evil monsters who are a threat to the general population. As long as they stick to operations of that sort, they might actually be welcome.
In Ravounel, the Order of the Torrent might be popular enough that they would allow the summoning of devils for the purpose of initiation combats only, so I wouldn't count that order out there.
David knott 242 |
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It's only a rough guess here, but I'd say as the region gets more developed it will spring it's own organisations, which should negate the need to import them from Avistan.
I would think of this more as the Hellknights spontaneously deciding to blot out a stain on their honor. And since House Thrune would not be happy with them going to Vidrian as anything other than conquerors, the reasons for their departure from Cheliax could also make an interesting story.
Then there would be the aspect of new alliances and combinations of organizations from different regions forming -- why let the Firebrands have all the fun?
zimmerwald1915 |
I would think of this more as the Hellknights spontaneously deciding to blot out a stain on their honor.
The various Orders have never been shy of washing their hands of the others' misdeeds. And the Order of the Torrent specifically was never squeamish about covering up its own.
And since House Thrune would not be happy with them going to Vidrian as anything other than conquerors, the reasons for their departure from Cheliax could also make an interesting story.
House Thrune has little if no say as to the Order of the Torrent. It is based in Kintargo, and like all Hellknight Orders is mercenary and independent of governments.
Then there would be the aspect of new alliances and combinations of organizations from different regions forming -- why let the Firebrands have all the fun?
The Firebrands can bloody well keep their hands off Garund too.