The Adventures of Mesdoram and Rameth

Game Master Vuvu


City Spreadsheet

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You both thought that you would never get all the san out of your boots. Why you didnt take a moment to borrow some camels on your way out of Wati you will never know. It was easier than you thought to get past all the undead and now you find yourselves in the Grumpy Camel tavern, with rooms bought and paid for and a meeting on the morrow with some local Pathfinders, courtesy of Rameth's old connections.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)


Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Besmara's bosom! Why I ever thought Wati would be a good investment I'll never know. I still don't know how that last batch of alchemist fire got away from me.

He pulls off his boot and dumps sand outside the tavern.

And I hope Grumpy Camel is just the name of this fine establishment and not the bill of fare.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

It could be worse, I could be fighting Death again. I got the rooms and there is a whole jug of whiskey waiting for us. So cut it out with the sand lets drink. he whacks Meso on the back making him stumble then he drags him into the bar for drinks.

Once seated. Alright so this is what is happening in the morning. I got a meeting with the lodge, odds are they have something that mighthelp, but we are for sure going to have to do some b!~+!%&& job for them. You can come if you want or go cause some trouble, whatever.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Oh, I'm coming. Frankly my trust in any society of so called explorers is low.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Alright prepare to be bored.

Rameth proceeds to get both of you obliterated, thankfully in the morning he has some Alchemists Kindness prepared.


The next day the two of you find yourselves in the lodge across from an officer of the society, his name is not given, apparently he assumes that you know him.

After listening to what is going on in Wati he speaks.

Well that is interesting, I just might have to send some agents out there as well. But as I am sure you suspected I do have something that might give you a bit of information. I want you to go to a wedding for me. Be presentable, and when it is over escort some artifacts that are being gifted to the society...really it is a status thing, the groom is one of us and the brides father wants to establish a relationship with us, so he is gifting us with some artifacts. Now one of these artifacts is called the Scroll of Unlike. It is basically musings on the raising of the dead, and one would assume how to put them down again. I would not be remotely surprised if there was information in there that could be useful back in Wati.

He drinks some wine.

So whatta ya say?

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Mesdoram proves surprisingly immune to Rameth's heavy drinking due to years spent on ships with a rum ration.

A wedding? Well, no offense but I left my finery back in Westcrown. I don't suppose there's a decent tailor anywhere in this city?


Yes there is. Just look nice, your welcome to wear your weapons in, just, whatever you do don't give us a bad name.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Mesdoram will cock his hat to a jaunty angle.

What's the worst that can happen?

When the wedding comes he shows up in his finery. He's wearing a brilliant new blue coat with white facings and turnbacks, brass buttons, white trousers and highly polished, if comfortable, boots. His basket-hilted sword is sheathed at his side, and he's wearing the red sash of a Free Captain.

His hat is the same though, just clean, and well worn.

What's not in plane sight is his myriad of daggers carried in sheathes about his person.

Mesdoram's chain shirt is sewn into a vest he wears. He'll "check" his handy haversack if he can't carry it with him within bounds of decorum.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

This is the stupidest thing ever. But simple enough. We are in.

Rameth says


The Pathfinder rifles
through papers as she speaks. “Have
you met the groom, Farendir Faireven? He’s quite bright,
especially for someone from the River Kingdoms.”

Her quest continues fruitlessly
as she searches a sagging bookshelf. “The bride’s quite a catch, too; called the Lady of Silver for her father’s wealth. It’s
certainly a coup for young Faireven.”

Clambering beneath her desk, her voice is muffled by
stacked texts. “Anyway, as I mentioned during the wedding feast, the girl’s
father, Master Bashir Al-Mudaris, plans to donate several
valuable relics to the Pathfinder Society. Clearly, Master
Bashir wants to promote his new son-in-law’s status in the
Society. That’s where you come in: we need you to escort
these antiques to the lodge in _______.” that would be wherever your bit is going to start
Suddenly, the Venture-Captain’s shouts, [b]“By Irori! I found
She places several elegantly scripted invitations on
the disheveled desk.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

This better be worth our time. Rameth says as he shows up with Meso the next day. Trip has been left in the care of someone at the society for now.

He has had his clothing washed, his chain shirt, under his tunic, but what really makes him stand out is his fantastic hat, and rune covered spear.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Take 10 for Perception for 22.


sure, what are you looking for/at? a broad scan will tell you it is a party!! woo hoo

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Bad guys, questionable characters, escape routes. Whether Rameth is using the right fork.


Rameth is def not wearing the right fork


i should never post from phone. god auto correct gets me everytime.

Mess spots that one of the guards, over towards the lions is sweating, a lot. Far more than someone should, even in this heat.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

1d20 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 14 + (3) = 28

I am thinking about going over there and embarrassing the club fighters on the coals...why is that guy sweating so much? It isn't that hot. Wanna go check it out?

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Questioning a sweating guard isn't my idea of fun, but better than watching you try to eat salad with the oyster spoon.

Mesdoram will move up to the man and give him his most dazzling smile.

Problem friend?

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Oyster spoon? Why would try even have that? There aren't oysters for 100 miles

Rameth says as he follows


Whaata ya mean? he says

Sm- -1000000 he is nervous really nervous

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

What ya nervous about? Don't lie either.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

The rich do crazy things to have the best at a gala like this. You didn't notice the huge platter on ice by the wall?

Looking at the guard, he snorts.

The last time I saw anyone sweat like that they were running in the deep Osiriani desert from a giant centipede. Or was it a millipede?

He looks at Rameth. Which one has the giant antennae?


The guard runs his hands through his hair. I haven't been feeling well lately, a bit of a fever.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Centipede I believe.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Don't be shy, my good man, Rameth and I are experts in all sorts of fields. You can tell us the issue bothering you, surely.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29


The man starts to say something when suddenly there is a scream, everyone turns as it is obvious that there are 3 lions out of their cages, people are running in every direction, the guards included, are trying to guide some folks outside and to safety.

heroes may act. But I will let you act first.

Map link at top

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Can't move at work but...

Mesdoram takes a five foot step south, draws his sword and attacks the first lion.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Oh yeah, this'll work great.

Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Yep, nothing going to go wrong with these rolls.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

I thought you were competent. Rameth scowls as he watches Meso whiff.

He quickly slams down a Bull Strength as it pops up out of his fancy new belt our modified potion glutton

Then he charges the one that Meso missed

Bull Spear: 1d20 + 11 - 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 1 + 1 + 2 = 16 for 1d8 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 18

Rameth's plunges his spear into the lions chest.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

I'm a ship captain! I have people to do my fighting for me!


One lion launches itself after some of the guards, while the other two attack Rameth and Meso

1d20 ⇒ 4 on Meso for a big fat miss

3d20 ⇒ (7, 11, 20) = 38
to confirm 1d20 ⇒ 19 for 1d8 + 3d4 + 20 ⇒ (2) + (1, 2, 4) + 20 = 29
1d20 ⇒ 15 Rameth is Grabbed by the Lion


Rameth has been shredded left and right

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Mesdoram will step back and drink his mutagen.

+4 Dex (18), +2 AC (19) and -2 Wis (14)

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Rameth studies the lion shredding the crap out of him then he activates his belt do-hickey again chugging down a shield extract, then he drinks his own mutagen.

can you pop your saves and AC in the stat line

Thanks for the help

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Will do when I get some time! Busy this afternoon, sadly.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Hey, you're the one who took on the Grim Reaper. I killed normal people...well, there was that one ghost ship, but it's hardly worth mentioning.


3d20 ⇒ (15, 11, 15) = 41 Bites and claws shred all over Rameth but it cannot seem to penetrate his defenses.

3d20 ⇒ (20, 4, 17) = 41
1d20 ⇒ 20 confirms Rameth gets clawed and bit in the shoulder 2d8 + 1d4 + 15 ⇒ (7, 5) + (4) + 15 = 31
1d20 ⇒ 4 not grabbed

The other lion charges and pounces on guard and rips him to shreds.


Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Rameth has never been angrier

Mutated Bull Spear/SC: 1d20 + 9 - 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 - 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 25 for 1d8 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 18
Aid: 1d20 + 9 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 - 1 + 2 = 18 vs AC 10 to aid Meso's next attack

We are not very good at this are we?


Rameth plunges his spear into his foe and it falls.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Good heavens.

This is quite disagreeable! I just bought this jacket!

Mesdoram will advance a step, study his opponent and try to skewer the lion attacking Rameth.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

And if that doesn't hit it's Fox's Cunning time, for +13/+11


Meso connects

apparently the dice gods do not like either of us.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Quick study my boy! Studied combat as a swift action!


4 guards have surrounded the far lion, two of them tossing nets over it.

3d20 ⇒ (4, 13, 20) = 37

Rameth takes one hit 1d20 ⇒ 2 no confirm

1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9


Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

This is a really bad day. I need a drink

Rameth plunges his spear in again

Mutated Bull Spear/SC: 1d20 + 11 - 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 1 + 1 + 2 = 16 for 1d8 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 24
Aid: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 2 - 1 + 2 = 16 vs AC 10 to give +2 to Meso

oops I thought it was a move, so I guess I took quick study not my other one

The lion roars as Rameth spears it again.

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Stop rolling 20's against us!

Mesdoram will renew his attack on the same lion.

Attack (Rapier): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Damage (Rapier): 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Bad kitty! Blast, where is Balthe when you need him? He'd be wrestling with these cats like a circus act.

When his slash presumably? hits home he'll laugh.

Not that a clown would be that appropriate right now!


The lion falls, just as the others guards manage the third one, beating is unconscience.

800 XP each, puts us a 10,800/15,000

Most of the guests have escaped, with luck only a few guards are dead. Mess and Rameth take a quick look around and immediately notice that the artifacts on the table are ALL missing.

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Rameth chugs down his CLW extract, drops in a boro bead and then does it again.

2d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 7) + 10 = 20

Male Investigator 7/Barbarian 1
Acrobatics +9 Appraise +15 Alchemy +18 Disable+18 Diplo+2 Heal +13 Stealth +13 Perception +17 (19 Traps) UMD+14 Linguistics +11 SoH +8 Spellcraft +15 SM +15 Local +9 Religion+9, Dun +8,nob+8 arcana +9, planes +8, his+8
HP 52/70 CMD +24(26), Fort +8 (-)(+4 poison), Ref +8, Will +8, AC: 21(25)/14(-)/18(24); Inspiration 5/7 Rage 1/6 SPD 40

Rameth mixes up two more CLW and downs them as well

2d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 1) + 10 = 16

Acro 14, Bluff 14, Craft (alch) 25, Dipl 14, Dis Dev 20, Disg 3, Esc Art 8, Int 8, Know (arc/local/nature/planes) 10/10/8/8, Ling 9, Perc 20, Pro (cook/sailor) 10/12, Sen Mot 12, Sle Hand 9, Spell 10, Stea 19, Surv 9, UMD 11
M Human (Azlanti) Investigator | Level 8
HP 60/60 | AC 18 (27), T 13 (20), FF 15 (21) | F 4 R 9 (13) W 10 | CMB +7(11) CMD 20(28)| Init +5(9) | Perc +20(19)

Great, two days into my career as a Pathfinder and I'm already a failure. I prefer it when I'm the one stealing things after setting wild animals loose.

He looks mildly ticked then sighs and doffs his hat to run hands through his hair - after cleaning his sword on lion fur and resheathing it.

Well, we should have a look around.

Take 20 on Perception (for 31 with mutagen still running) to determine if there are any clues and/or goodies around!


there are! but I am off to the dr

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