PFS2 character registration issue

Website Feedback

Hi folks, I went onto my "Organized Play" tab to register my first PFS2 character, but there's a glitch with the Factions - there aren't any. And you can't save without selecting one.

Not complaining at all - I know it's a nutso time for you all! - just letting you know about it. Thanks!

Dark Archive

Yes, I too am here to report this. Thanks for your attention!

Liberty's Edge

when they are they going to be added to the boards too? for the "buttons" in front of characters? PFS2 has started...

Paizo Employee Software Developer

The PFS2 factions should now be live. Apologies for the inconvenience. Right now we don't have a way to change the list of available forum factions without updating the website, so we're planning a single update that will permanently allow us to add available forum factions without any additional updates.

Liberty's Edge

Robert Brandenburg wrote:
The PFS2 factions should now be live. Apologies for the inconvenience. Right now we don't have a way to change the list of available forum factions without updating the website, so we're planning a single update that will permanently allow us to add available forum factions without any additional updates.

Are there plans to add images from PF2e as available avatars as well?

Paizo Employee Software Developer

Yes, we plan on adding 2E avatars in the near future.

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