Geverlarsk Nor Motivations

Dead Suns

So I'm wondering why exactly Ambassador Nor decided to publicly release the footage filmed by the bot on the driftrock? Is this covered in later books? I'm about to GM the follow up meeting between Nor and the PCs and I'm expecting this issue to be raised. So far I'm thinking of having him just brushing off their concerns with essentially a response of "my reasons are my own" but I would still like to know.

It's basically just a loose hanging plot thread to do with what you will. If you have an icon PC you could tie it into their backstory.

Personally, I cut that out of the story and my PCs still ended up working for Nor instead of the starfinders, he would give them cash to go check out the various plot hooks, provide information, give them an introduction/pass to various places.

Liberty's Edge

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Obviously Spoilers:
As for the canon reason, I couldn't say but to me, I always assumed it was because he is some kind of double-agent for the Corpse Fleet who wanted plausible deniability regarding HOW the CF got their hands on the info about the Drift Rock in the first place.

If it wasn't publicly released then nobody but that party SHOULD know about it outside of the SFS and the Eoxian Embassy which would point some pretty serious fingers directly at Nor when the Corpse Fleet gets involved in the race for a super-weapon whose existence was discovered because of his intel gathering. If the info remained privately sealed and was then leaked to the press, hacked from his database, or otherwise stolen he would similarly be in HUGE trouble. Releasing it all out of the gate assured that he could simply say that he had no idea that the footage would be so explosive and the impacts so far-reaching.

I think that he is playing the Eoxian government and the Corpse fleet both like a master diplomat that he is in hopes to stay on top no matter who comes out the victor.

Other than that, because they needed a way to inject rivals into the story on the chase for the Steller Degenerator.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Binky Farnsworth wrote:
So I'm wondering why exactly Ambassador Nor decided to publicly release the footage filmed by the bot on the driftrock? Is this covered in later books? I'm about to GM the follow up meeting between Nor and the PCs and I'm expecting this issue to be raised. So far I'm thinking of having him just brushing off their concerns with essentially a response of "my reasons are my own" but I would still like to know.

i always assumed it was a means for him to publicly display his neutrality as the arbiter.

he hires a party of starfinders, sends them over there, and they come back with whatever evidence they come back with. he's got no real stake in the arbitration, but he hired the team.

it might look like he had some other agenda, or favored one or the other party if he didn't publicly release the footage. so he did it. it boosts his prestige, boosts eox's prestige, and leaves his neutrality unimpeachable.

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