xris |
I'm planning on introducing Starfinder to some my regular D&D players but at the moment only two of them are going to be available (i.e. one GM and two players).
What recommendations would you suggest for scenarios to try. I have the Beginner Box so I could use the scenario included but since it's almost identical to the Pathfinder Beginner Box scenario, they might notice they've played something similar before.
Are there any Adventure Paths or Organised Play scenarios suited for just two players? What would be your recommendation? Many Thanks!
Ravingdork |
Just have each of them play two characters. It will make for a more full and balanced party, will still be relatively fast compared to having four players, and will allow them to sample a wider variety of races and classes.
As for adventures, the Society Scenario, The Commencement, is a pretty good opening adventure. Dead suns #1 isn't bad either.
xris |
Thanks Ravingdork but since I'm doing this to introduce them to Starfinder, the last thing I want to do is overwhelm them by making them run two characters each.
I have Dead Suns so I could try and adjust that for 2 players instead of 4. How many players are usually expected in a SF Society game? I assume it is greater than 4 since there are guides as to what to do if there are only 4.
Ideally, I was looking for something to ease them for a few sessions before starting something like Dead Suns when I have more players
Malach the Merciless |
If you are running a Adventure Path consider having them play "Gesalt" Characters. Basically give them two classes, and when they level they level both classes at the same time and get the benefits of both classes when they level. They will be very powerful but they should be able to take on an standard adventure path.
If it is a homebrew campaign you should be able to write it just for two characters with out any issue. Especially since it seems you will get more players eventually, you should be able to put something together for two players pretty easily.
As far as one player controlling multiple characters? I always hated that as a player.
xris |
Thanks for the suggestions but the purpose is to introduce new players to Starfinder. To this end, I don't want them to have to run two characters each, or give them two Classes each as I'm not sure this would be a good way to ease new players into the game. The Skitter Shot scenario is fun but again, I think this would be more appreciated once the players are familiar with Starfinder.
What I'm really looking for are suggestions for existing APs, SF Society Scenarios or other standalone scenarios that might be suitable for just two players (or at least can be adjusted down so it's suitable for two). I did run the SF Beginners Box scenario successfully for two previously so if need be I can run that again (and hope they don't notice it's near identical to the Black Fang Pathfinder Beginner Box scenario :)
If it's a case of using existing material and "just adjust the difficulty" and / or "lower the number of opponents during combat" then that would be fine :)
Joe Jungers |
While most of the Starfinder scenarios are designed around a core of 4-5 PCs, there are a couple that I think could be handled by a pair.
(fwiw, I'd stay away from starship combats - just 2 players could be hard to make things work)
1-01 The Commencement: the junk race & the warehouse will need some tweaking, but that shouldn't be hard to do..
1-09 Live Exploration Extreme!: could be fun - it has a lot of role-playing opportunities.
1-20 The Duskmire Accords: more RP fun, though one encounter could go badly depending on the PC's actions.
1-32 Acts of Association: Its a scenario designed as a build-your-own mission (for the most part - there's a plot outline but the GM determines the details). It would probably work with 2 players.
Hope this helps.
The Ragi |
While the two players characters are level 1, you'll want to reduce the CR level of enemies to at least 1/2 of what it is currently. You can easily do this using the Alien Archive 1 array tables at the appendix 1 of the book. But keep all the xp and loot the same.
A CR 1 goon turned to CR 1/2 will lose 1 point of AC, 1 point in all saving throws, and, more importantly, 7 hit points.
Halfway through level 1, the increased wealth will start being obvious and give the players a bit of an edge. When they get to level 2, twice as fast as they should, you probably won't need to make any adjustments at all.