Volunteering for GenCon?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Are they still looking for GenCon volunteers? I'd love to be able to go this year, and I'd love to help with Adventure Card Game.

If nobody knows, where should I look for this info?

** Venture-Lieutenant

You can find the volunteer form here. It says they are looking for PF2 & Starfinder GMs. I am not sure if they will take an ACG only GM.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Apply anyway! They need people!


4/5 Designer

I said this elsewhere and will repeat here:

There aren't enough PF2 GMs for the incredible demand of new players who want to try out the new game. Every new person who steps up to GM is another possibility to open a new table for all the players who couldn't get tickets, so if you or anyone you know is willing to pitch in and fill the need, this is a great time to volunteer! My first convention that I volunteered to GM, it was on the spot at GenCon for the Season 3 special when there were enough tables but seemingly not enough GMs (they eventually worked it out and I did not, in fact, have to run a Special cold, whew!). If there's one thing I know about the OrgPlay community, it's that we always come together and pitch in when the need is there.

Also everyone who signed up to GM PF2 this year on launch, like those who did so for Starfinder two years ago, is a hero. Huge respect to all of you!

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