The Dragon's Demand storybook confusion

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

In playing through The Dragon's Demand so far we've found some points of confusion in the storybook. I wanted to bring attention to them so that they can get some clarification and possibly a FAQ entry. I suspect that these will be a thorn for others as well.

In the Dragon's Demand scenario 1C (The Wizard's Estate) the danger says to randomly choose a new Eldritch story bane. However the Eldritch trait does not appear on any story banes. The "during the scenario" text also references Eldritch story banes. For this one I assumed all of the level 1 story banes that had the magic trait or were barriers. Unlike the other two, I wasn't very certain about this one.

Scenario 1C, which does not have a villain, also doesn't list an alternative victory condition. Based on scenario 1A (And lots of prior experience with the PACG) I assumed that the condition was to close all locations.

Similarly, in scenario 2B (A Piece of the Auction) the danger says to randomly choose a new Artifice story bane. The Artifice trait does not appear on any story banes. For this one I assumed that it meant Construct.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Leedwashere wrote:

In playing through The Dragon's Demand so far we've found some points of confusion in the storybook. I wanted to bring attention to them so that they can get some clarification and possibly a FAQ entry. I suspect that these will be a thorn for others as well.

In the Dragon's Demand scenario 1C (The Wizard's Estate) the danger says to randomly choose a new Eldritch story bane. However the Eldritch trait does not appear on any story banes. The "during the scenario" text also references Eldritch story banes. For this one I assumed all of the level 1 story banes that had the magic trait or were barriers. Unlike the other two, I wasn't very certain about this one.

Scenario 1C, which does not have a villain, also doesn't list an alternative victory condition. Based on scenario 1A (And lots of prior experience with the PACG) I assumed that the condition was to close all locations.

Similarly, in scenario 2B (A Piece of the Auction) the danger says to randomly choose a new Artifice story bane. The Artifice trait does not appear on any story banes. For this one I assumed that it meant Construct.

For the first and last question, look at the back of your Wildcard card, it has a table of banes to randomly generate story banes of a certain theme, Eldritch and and Construct should be on that. [See page 21 of the Rulebook under Story Bane Roster]

For number two: Yes closing all the locations is how you win a scenario without another win condition [See page 3 of the Rulebook under Object of the Game.]

Malk_Content wrote:
Leedwashere wrote:

In playing through The Dragon's Demand so far we've found some points of confusion in the storybook. I wanted to bring attention to them so that they can get some clarification and possibly a FAQ entry. I suspect that these will be a thorn for others as well.

In the Dragon's Demand scenario 1C (The Wizard's Estate) the danger says to randomly choose a new Eldritch story bane. However the Eldritch trait does not appear on any story banes. The "during the scenario" text also references Eldritch story banes. For this one I assumed all of the level 1 story banes that had the magic trait or were barriers. Unlike the other two, I wasn't very certain about this one.

Scenario 1C, which does not have a villain, also doesn't list an alternative victory condition. Based on scenario 1A (And lots of prior experience with the PACG) I assumed that the condition was to close all locations.

Similarly, in scenario 2B (A Piece of the Auction) the danger says to randomly choose a new Artifice story bane. The Artifice trait does not appear on any story banes. For this one I assumed that it meant Construct.

For the first and last question, look at the back of your Wildcard card, it has a table of banes to randomly generate story banes of a certain theme, Eldritch and and Construct should be on that. [See page 21 of the Rulebook under Story Bane Roster]

Ahhhhhhh. Thank you. I never even looked at the back of the wildcards to notice that. Thanks for pointing that out. That makes things much clearer.

Thanks! That really is an easy to overlook resource!!

If it helps, some of these issues have been collected on BGG: players

There's a similar post for Crimson Throne: ons

BGG is an excellent resource, if you've never dropped by. :)

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